Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Using Powershell and WFA to manage a large snapvault environment without protection manager


If a customer running ONTAP 8.1.1 7-mode w. several sites across multiple networks is snapvaulting directly to vfilers on separate networks at the destination (so I cannot use protection manager/DFM as it does not support this capability, it only supports vaulting via vfiler0)…can Powershell be used to obtain data for chargeback reporting (duration of transfers, amount of data transferred...) as well as obtain operational details (status, lag...)

I know there are various data points such as snapvault status from the CLI and I can read the snapmirror log to obtain snapvault information, but will I then also have to do some type of log parsing to produce meaningful reports – both for operational status (lag, success, failure…) as well as chargeback reports (amount transferred and so on.)?

Also, the storage admin team is NOT allowed to use a CLI, so this must be packaged up in some fashion…

Has anyone attempted this or have thoughts on high level process?



This is possible using the Get-NaSnapvaultSecStatus cmdlet. What you'd want to do is Get-NaSnapvaultSecStatus and feed it the path using the -Path parameter, then reference the LastTransferDuration and LastTransferSize properties. I hope that helps.


Oh, and one thing you may want to be weary of is starting and stopping snapvault jobs via powershell. It broke the protection manager relationships in our case (YMMV). I know you said you're not using it, but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case someone who is comes across this thread.
