Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
When I use the connect-nacontroller cmdlet, I see this output from the command:
Name Address Ontapi Version
---- ------- ------ -------
xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx 10.xx.xx.xx 1.13 NetApp Release 8.0.2P3 7-Mode: Thu Oct 13 15:56:25 PDT 2011 Multistore
Is there a get cmdlet that will allow me just to see the version number as in this example, 8.0.2P3
Solved! See The Solution
You can find this information out using Get-NaCommand with the ListAvailable switch. This compares the API from the help documentation with the APIs available on the controller to determine if a command can be executed. For example:
PS> Get-NaCommand -Category cifs -Verb Get, Set -ListAvailable
Name Category Api
---- -------- ---
Get-NaCifs cifs {cifs-list-config}
Get-NaCifsHomeDirectory cifs {cifs-homedir-paths-get, cifs-homedir-path-get-for-user}
Get-NaCifsNetBiosAlias cifs {cifs-nbalias-names-get}
Get-NaCifsOrganizationalUnit cifs {cifs-setup-ou-list-iter-start, cifs-setup-ou-list-iter-next, ci...
Get-NaCifsSession cifs {cifs-session-list-iter-start, cifs-session-list-iter-next, cifs...
Get-NaCifsShare cifs {cifs-share-list-iter-start, cifs-share-list-iter-next, cifs-sha...
Get-NaCifsSite cifs {cifs-setup-site-list-iter-start, cifs-setup-site-list-iter-next...
Get-NaCifsStatistics cifs {cifs-top-iter-start, cifs-top-iter-next, cifs-top-iter-end}
Set-NaCifs cifs {cifs-setup}
Set-NaCifsHomeDirectory cifs {cifs-homedir-paths-set}
Set-NaCifsNetBiosAlias cifs {cifs-nbalias-names-set}
Set-NaCifsShare cifs {cifs-share-change}
Conversely, you can use ListUnavailable to see cmdlets that exist but cannot be run on the current controller:
PS> Get-NaCommand -Category cifs -Verb Get, Set -ListUnavailable
Name Category Api
---- -------- ---
Get-NaCifsBranchCacheHashStatistics cifs {cifs-branchcache-hash-stat}
Get-NaCifsShareAcl cifs {cifs-share-acl-list-iter-start, cifs-share-acl-list-iter-next, ...
Set-NaCifsBranchCacheKey cifs {cifs-branchcache-set-key}
Set-NaCifsShareAcl cifs {cifs-share-ace-set}
$ontapVersion = (get-nasystemversion).split(":")
The reason I need this is to determine ahead of time, what get/set commands will work and which ones won't. This leads me to my next question.
Is there a table someplace that documents what get/set cmdlets work and which ones do not when it comes to CIFS relative to the OnTap OS version?
You need to read the help file
Tried that.
I looked at, for example, help on Cmdlet: Add-NaCifsShare, there is no mention of the minimum requirements for OnTap release to get it to work.
You can find this information out using Get-NaCommand with the ListAvailable switch. This compares the API from the help documentation with the APIs available on the controller to determine if a command can be executed. For example:
PS> Get-NaCommand -Category cifs -Verb Get, Set -ListAvailable
Name Category Api
---- -------- ---
Get-NaCifs cifs {cifs-list-config}
Get-NaCifsHomeDirectory cifs {cifs-homedir-paths-get, cifs-homedir-path-get-for-user}
Get-NaCifsNetBiosAlias cifs {cifs-nbalias-names-get}
Get-NaCifsOrganizationalUnit cifs {cifs-setup-ou-list-iter-start, cifs-setup-ou-list-iter-next, ci...
Get-NaCifsSession cifs {cifs-session-list-iter-start, cifs-session-list-iter-next, cifs...
Get-NaCifsShare cifs {cifs-share-list-iter-start, cifs-share-list-iter-next, cifs-sha...
Get-NaCifsSite cifs {cifs-setup-site-list-iter-start, cifs-setup-site-list-iter-next...
Get-NaCifsStatistics cifs {cifs-top-iter-start, cifs-top-iter-next, cifs-top-iter-end}
Set-NaCifs cifs {cifs-setup}
Set-NaCifsHomeDirectory cifs {cifs-homedir-paths-set}
Set-NaCifsNetBiosAlias cifs {cifs-nbalias-names-set}
Set-NaCifsShare cifs {cifs-share-change}
Conversely, you can use ListUnavailable to see cmdlets that exist but cannot be run on the current controller:
PS> Get-NaCommand -Category cifs -Verb Get, Set -ListUnavailable
Name Category Api
---- -------- ---
Get-NaCifsBranchCacheHashStatistics cifs {cifs-branchcache-hash-stat}
Get-NaCifsShareAcl cifs {cifs-share-acl-list-iter-start, cifs-share-acl-list-iter-next, ...
Set-NaCifsBranchCacheKey cifs {cifs-branchcache-set-key}
Set-NaCifsShareAcl cifs {cifs-share-ace-set}
You guys are awesome. Thanks