Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

What's ther [-instance] parameter in Powershell command [Get-NcPerfData]?


Hi I try to get performance from powershell command [Get-NcPerfData]

but the [-instance] parameter seems must inupt,

What's -instance parameter's value?





Hi Chang,


Please find below all the details for command "Get-NcPerfData"


You shall also run the below commands to get more details for any specific commands:

"get-help Get-NcPerfData -examples"

"get-help Get-NcPerfData -detailed"

"get-help Get-NcPerfData -full"


Details of command "Get-NcPerfData":



Get a list of current counter values of instances of an object.

Get-NcPerfData [-Name] <String> -Instance <String[]> [-Counter <String[]>] [-PrivilegeLevel <String>] [-FilterData <String>] [-SampleId <String>] [-Max <Int32>] [-SortKey <String>] [-SortOrder <String>] [-Controller <NcController[]>]
[-PipelineVariable <String>] [-ZapiRetryCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-NcPerfData [-Name] <String> -InstanceUuid <String[]> [-Counter <String[]>] [-PrivilegeLevel <String>] [-FilterData <String>] [-SampleId <String>] [-Max <Int32>] [-SortKey <String>] [-SortOrder <String>] [-Controller <NcController[]>]
[-PipelineVariable <String>] [-ZapiRetryCount <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get a list of current counter values of instances of an object. This will return the values of all specified counters and instances of the specified object with one call.

-Name <String>
Name of the object to get counter values for.

-Instance <String[]>
List of instance names for which to get counter values. This element can be used to limit data collection to a specified subset of the instances of the object.

-Counter <String[]>
List of counters whose values will be retrieved. This element can be used to limit data collection to a specified subset of the counters of instances of the object. If this element is absent, values of all counters will be retrieved.

-PrivilegeLevel <String>
Name of the privilege level. Possible values: "basic", "admin", "advanced", "diag". If the element is absent, the default privilege of the object will be used.

-FilterData <String>
A string, representing filter-data, in the format of key=value supporting multiple key-value pairs via comma separation. The applied filter is a combination of ANDing the key-value pairs.

-SampleId <String>
Name of the sample.

This parameter is available with Data ONTAP 8.4 and up.

-Max <Int32>
Maximum number of instances.

This parameter is available with Data ONTAP 8.4 and up.

-SortKey <String>
Counter used for sorting instances.

This parameter is available with Data ONTAP 8.4 and up.

-SortOrder <String>
Sort order. Possible values are 'ascending' and 'descending'.

This parameter is available with Data ONTAP 8.4 and up.

-Controller <NcController[]>
A clustered Data ONTAP controller to receive this cmdlet, as embodied by an NcController object. This parameter is returned by the Connect-NcController cmdlet. If not specified, the value in the global variable CurrentNcController is used. In
the latter case, if CurrentNcController contains a collection of NcController objects, this cmdlet is invoked on each controller in succession.

-PipelineVariable <String>

-ZapiRetryCount <Int32>
The number of times to retry commands that return with errors that may succeed after a retry

-InstanceUuid <String[]>
List of instance UUIDs for which to get counter values. This element can be used to limit data collection to a specified subset of the instances of the object.

This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/

-------------- Example 1 --------------

C:\PS>Get-NcPerfData -Name volume -Instance luns -Counter avg_latency, total_ops

Get the volume perf counters avg_latency and total_ops for the volume "luns".

NcController :
Aggregation : DataONTAP.C.Types.Perf.AggregationData
Counters : {avg_latency, total_ops}
Name : luns
Uuid : f4cce431-574d-11e1-a865-123478563412


I use the command and refer the example,

but it show me [Record doesn't exist]

how to resolve?


