Discuss NetApp solutions for Microsoft Private Cloud and the Hyper-V platform, including FlexPod Datacenter, OnCommand Plug-in for Microsoft, and ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit.
Discuss NetApp solutions for Microsoft Private Cloud and the Hyper-V platform, including FlexPod Datacenter, OnCommand Plug-in for Microsoft, and ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit.
i'm trying to get all cifs options from a svm via pstk ( using option -ZapiCall gives me all the options with values. Without this option there are only some options populated with settings, for most of them i see the value false. studying the help for the command didnt reveal how to do this via rest. Any help is appreciated.
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Several ONTAP storage clusters are providing ONTAP Connection IDs larger than 64Bit Integer can support. The commands are failing with this error: Get-NcCifsConnection : Error converting value 12930960430088848194 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'sessions[0].identifier', line 18, position 40. At line:1 char:1 + Get-NcCifsConnection + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-NcCifsConnection], ArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error converting value 12930960430088848194 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'sessions[0].identifier', line 18, position 40.,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.GetNcCifsConnection Get-NcCifsSessionFile : Error converting value 12930960430088913433 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'session.identifier', line 26, position 38. At line:1 char:1 + Get-NcCifsSessionFile + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-NcCifsSessionFile], ArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error converting value 12930960430088913433 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'session.identifier', line 26, position 38.,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.GetNcCifsSessionFile I have verified the storage clusters ONTAP CIFS Connection IDs are larger the 64Bit integer can handle. 64bit Maximum integer number: 9223372036854775807 ONTAP Session ID: 12930960430088908395
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Hello Team, Anyone please help me to find the command for adding existing snapshot policy to a volume I have tried with " get-ncvol volume name -Vserver vserver name | Set-NcSnapshotPolicy policy name" but failed Also I was trying update-ncvol as well , but could not find snapshotpolicy name option there. it looks like I am not using the current context? I am using powershell tool kit 9.8.xx Thanking you in advance. Regards, Shyju.
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I am trying to create a powershell script that will give me a list of every file in our cluster that is greater than 4GB. The script must include file path information and output to a .txt file. So far, I only have the bones of a script and I've been testing it on my work PC. The final version will likely have to be run on the domain controller, but I am not sure how to build the script from the context of the DC. $path = "C:\Users\LJONAH" $sizeThreshold = 10 $outputPath = "C:\temp\OIS_large_files.txt" Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Length / 1MB -gt $sizeThreshold}| Select-Object FullName, @{Name="Size GB";Expression={ "{0:N0}" -f ($_.Length / 1GB) }} | Out-File -FilePath $outputPath
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We're migrating our datacenters to Hyper-V/SCVMM from VMware and through this process we started using the SMI-S Provider with SCVMM 2022. I noticed today that all easy to find references to SMI-S Provider are missing from the NetApp Support site... They can still be found through search, but are all marked as "Legacy". Given that SCVMM only supports SAN Arrays through either SMI-S or SMP, what is the plan moving forward for this, given how many orgs are moving away from VMWare and into Hyper-V/Azure Stack HCI as a solution? Presumably the way to go would be SMB shares, but given that the SMI-S provider is still required to be able to add NetApp hosted SMB shares (No WSMAN on NetApp so the "Add File Share" option fails), this leaves me in a bit of a predicament.
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