Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

cDot Quota report with PowerShell Toolkit


For some reason, quotas are not correctly reported within Powershell Toolkit:


For some enties, the target is reported for others it isn't

It first appeard to me as only entries for users with distinct quota limits are shown, but comparing them to the existing rules shows, that even this assumption is not correct.


I first thought that quota should be recalculated but on the clustershell, the quotas are reported correctly.

Therfore i assume, that there is a bug in the ps toolkit?


QuotaType    QuotaTarget                    Volume           Qtree                DiskUsed        FilesUsed Vserver                                               
---------    -----------                    ------           -----                --------        --------- -------                                               
user         *                              cifs_XXXXXXX                                 0                0 XYZ                                              
user         domain\AA4668                  cifs_XXXXXXX                           3005840             6493 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                           1614752             5913 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                              4040               58 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            449568              548 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                                 0                4 XYZ                                              
user         domain\rzmeg                   cifs_XXXXXXX                           1835568             6183 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                              7352              494 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            325884            23916 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            446356             2332 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            261716             1906 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            287848             1102 XYZ                                              
user         domain\rzhik                   cifs_XXXXXXX                            901280             3297 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                           1048288             2100 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            956556             2405 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                             61280              324 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            765044            17693 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            891840             2295 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            633352             1709 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            217856              747 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            630564             1538 XYZ                                              
user                                        cifs_XXXXXXX                            705992              646 XYZ  

..for the most of the "QuotaTarget" the field is just empty; on the clustershell, the quota report shows all target ids correctly.




(PS Toolkit used: 4.3, OnTap: 8.3.2P9)



It is working 'perfectly' OK 😉


There is a difference  in QuotaTarget and QuotaUsers - Target will show only users with user/group target rule applied. Everyone else who has applied Default Quota - will be listed as QuotaUser


try this:


get-naquotareport |fl


Powershell  returns properites of objects array in diffrent ways depending from formating

 so :

get-naquotareport |select Disklimit,diskused,QuotaUsers,quotatarget,Volume


should do what you want.


if you get SID - that means account no longer exist in AD - but there are orphaned data



