Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
In the previous versions of Powershell Toolkit, the get-ncaggr lists all the aggregates, but the latest version stripped the root aggregate. Is there a way to get it back so it can list all the aggregates?? Thanks.
Solved! See The Solution
After digging a bit deeper, it looks it was related to how it was connected initially. If you use connect-nccontroller with -ontapi, it lists all the aggregates. Thanks to TMADOCTHOMAS
After digging a bit deeper, it looks it was related to how it was connected initially. If you use connect-nccontroller with -ontapi, it lists all the aggregates. Thanks to TMADOCTHOMAS
Hi PerphapsCloud
But I can't find -ontapi this parameter in webhelp.C,
and I try to use -ontapi,but it error,
How to use -ontapi to get the root aggr ?
Run the following command:
get-ncaggr -ontapi
Or you can also run:
get-ncaggr -zabicall
Either one will get you the full list of aggrs with root aggrs.