Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
some time ago I created script that shows me directories on each volume.
After module update to the script fails on read-ncdirectory command with error message:
Read-NcDirectory : Invalid path. Path should be in format /vol/<volume name>/<directory name>
part of code:
foreach ($volume in (Get-NcVol -Aggregate ************)) {
$vserver = $volume.Vserver
$volname = $volume.Name
$level1 = Read-NcDirectory -VserverContext $vserver -Path /vol/$volname|?{($_.Name -notlike ".*") -and ($_.Type -like "directory")-and ($_.Name -notlike "Trash")}
how can i modify the script to work again?
Could you try this for path:
-Path "/vol/$($volName)"
changing variable to full volume name in path also ends the same
Did try - the same result
@PawelSliwa Were you able to get this working? If so, could you share the solution?
unfortunately i didn't find any solution yet 😞
and no help from Netapp on this