I am trying to create a script to restrict and initialize snapmirror - it is only for learning purpose so I am only using one filer
The relationships should be
vol1 -> vol3
vol2 -> vol4
I was trying this, but got lost:
(Set-NaVol -Restricted is asking for volume name)
Import-Module dataontap
$filer = Read-Host "Enter the filer name"
$user = Read-Host "Enter the username"
Connect-NaController $filer -Credential $user
$source1 = vol1
$source2 = vol2
$dest1 = vol3
$dest2 = vol4
$dests = ($dest1,$dest2)
$sources = ($source1,$source2)
foreach ($dest in $dests)
Set-NaVol -Restricted
Invoke-NaSnapmirrorInitialize $dest1 $source1
Invoke-NaSnapmirrorInitialize $dest2 $source2
how is that done right?