Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
I was trying a script that will show more than 80% on all volumes - the output is in Bytes, how do I get it in GB?
Here is my command:
PS C:\Users\admin> Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,available,sizetotal | ? { $_.used -gt 80 } | ft -AutoSize
Name Aggregate Used Available SizeTotal
---- --------- ---- --------- ---------
vol1 a_sata_1 86 67997564928 502511173632
vol2 a_sata_4 88 120586096640 971736350720
vol3 a_sata_1 89 42216550400 375809638400
vol4 a_sata_1 85 623957016576 4098472542208
vol5 sas_2 81 133199093760 692563476480
(....I know I need this somewhere >>> /1gb )
Solved! See The Solution
Hello, You can use hash tables to get this done.
Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,@{Name="Available(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.Available/1gb,0)}},@{Name="SizeTotal(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.sizetotal/1gb,0)}} | ? { $_.used -gt 80 } | ft -AutoSize
PS C:\Users\Vinith> Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,@{Name="Available(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.
Available/1gb,0)}},@{Name="SizeTotal(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.sizetotal/1gb,0)}} | ? { $_.used -gt 80
} | ft -AutoSize
Hello, You can use hash tables to get this done.
Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,@{Name="Available(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.Available/1gb,0)}},@{Name="SizeTotal(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.sizetotal/1gb,0)}} | ? { $_.used -gt 80 } | ft -AutoSize
PS C:\Users\Vinith> Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,@{Name="Available(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.
Available/1gb,0)}},@{Name="SizeTotal(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.sizetotal/1gb,0)}} | ? { $_.used -gt 80
} | ft -AutoSize
What does the 0 do >>> $_.sizetotal/1gb,0
I've tried with and without the 0 and it gives me the same result
I was trying that for 2 filers with no success - what am I doing wrong?
Import-Module Dataontap
$myNetAppUser = "root"
$myNetAppArrayPass = "password1"
$myNetAppPass = ConvertTo-SecureString $myNetAppArrayPass -AsPlainText -Force
$myNetappCred = New-Object -TypeName system.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $myNetAppUser,$myNetAppPass
$ntapArrays = "filer1","filer2"
function Get-VolOverEighty {
Get-NaVol | select name,Aggregate,used,@{Name="Available(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.Available/1gb,0)}},@{Name="SizeTotal(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.sizetotal/1gb,0)}} | ? { $_.used -gt 80 } | ft -AutoSize
Foreach ($array in $ntapArrays)
connect-nacontroller $array -Credential $myNetAppArrayCred | Get-VolOverEighty
I'm getting this:
Connect-NaController : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is null.
Replace below line
connect-nacontroller $array -Credential $myNetAppArrayCred | Get-VolOverEighty
connect-nacontroller $array -Credential $myNetAppCred | Get-VolOverEighty
$myNetAppArrayCred should be replaced with $myNetAppCred
Connect-NaController : The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
At C:\scripts\over80_vol.ps1:22 char:21
+ connect-nacontroller <<<< -name $array -Credential $myNetAppCred | Get-VolOverEighty
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-NaController], SocketException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.ConnectNaController
If I connect and run the command on each filer separately, everything works...
can you reinstall PStoolkit and try?, Install the latest version PSToolkit v2.3
I was running 2.3 - regardless, I reinstalled...same thing
Its for rounding off values, for example if you use ($_.sizetotal/1gb,2) it would round off to two decimal places.
Joel -
A few things I would do differently.
This is a little easier in my opinion
get-navol | Select Name,Aggregate,Used,@{Name="Available (GB)";E={convertto-formattednumber $_.available Datasize "0.00"}} | ? {$_.used -gt 80} | ft -autosize
But, I would do one more thing. Have a search for a post I did about filer_report. It will report on the filers with excel conditional formatting. Give that a shot
Actually, this is a little better,
get-navol | ? {$_.used -gt 80} | Select Name,Aggregate,@{Name="Used";E={Convertto-formattednumber $_.used percent}},@{Name="Available (GB)";E={convertto-formattednumber $_.available Datasize "0.00"}} | ft -autosize
You should always pipe in your where clause before you do any sorting.. Selecting...
I'll give this and the filer_report a spin soon and let you know
BTW, the filer_report script looks awesome