NetApp Learning Services Discussions

NCSIE NS0-181 vs NCSIE NS0-180


Hi. Just for asking. I'm planning to take an exam for Netapp Certificate for Netapp Certified Storage Installation Engineer and now i noticed the code of exam have changed from NS0-180 to NS0-181. So, my question is :


1) Is it any different format of exam for this code's?

2) Any material preparation that i can get for my preparation for this exam?

3) Is it suffiecient if the material that refer only from netapp learningcenter? (


Hope anyone here can sharing info about this. Thanks







The main difference between NS0-180 and NS0-181 is that NS0-180 focused on cDOT 8.3 while NS0-181 focuses on ONTAP 9.1.


The preparation materials for the NS0-181 can be found here:


As far as what is sufficient, it depends on your comfort level with the materials tested. Review the link above, take the practice test, read the documents cited in the Reference Document.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Greg Hyman

NetApp Certification and Accreditation Program Manager



Hi mate,


I am also studying for NSO-181. 


I would suggest NCSIE - Installation class which I attended in Sydney ONTAP Clustered Installation Workshop (ILT)


This is a lab+learning 2 full days course which is excellent.


 I  would strongly recommend following two trainings (FOC) if you have NetApp login as this is basic of what you need.


NetApp Universal FAS Installation (WBT)

Introduction to NetApp Installation Standard (WBT)


Please note NetApp suggest you to study NCDA (not required) to take this test which makes sense as it clears lot of architecture stuff for new 9.1 version.


You need to have your logic and clear understanding across cabling all new controllers, shelves and supported switches (40g) ones and switches.


I would suggest doing the self study as per the syllabus which I am doing right now. When I registered for the exam it did mention there are two stages of the exam.


I think you require to pass the first stage to move to next one. 




  • Basic Installation Topics and Tools
    • Describe installation preparation steps
    • Describe basic equipment installation steps
  • ONTAP Concepts
    • Identify general cluster terms used during installation
    • Identify ONTAP licensing for 9.1
  • ONTAP Networking
    • Describe the cluster network, e.g., multi-node, single node clusters
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose of the management network
    • Identify the networking components in a cluster environment
  • ONTAP Switches
    • Identify the functions of supported switches
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure/verify configuration requirements
  • ONTAP Configuration
    • Describe how to use NetApp configuration best practices
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how a node should be added or replaced
  • Customer Handoff
    • Describe how to complete the service report
    • Demonstrate knowledge of handoff procedures to the customer
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how to communicate completion and possible problem status
    • Identify contacts for additional help after handoff 


Thank for your reply on my inquiry. Just to ask whether with the two trainings (FOC) which is NetApp Universal FAS Installation (WBT) and Introduction to NetApp Installation Standard (WBT), it can be enough to me to pass the exam? Is it the topic in the exam completedly in there free module? Thanks





NetApp Certification exams test beyond just what is taught in the classroom. We also test experience and strongly recommend that candidates for the NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP certification should have at least 6 to 12 months of experience with NetApp® ONTAP® solutions, including setting up, configuring, installing, testing, and troubleshooting NetApp storage systems.


Please work with the products and technology prior to taking the test as it will increase your likelihood of passing the exam.


Please contact me if you have any additional questions.


Greg Hyman

NetApp Certification and Accreditation Program Manager


I just have an experience in netapp around 2-3 month. not much involved in real environment netapp setup and configuration. Mostly my references through the related netapp document for this site and also through a video reference like youtube. 


I don't know whether in my current state, it should be enough preparation to take this exam or not since this exam also in new code exam.



I just nailed this exam and I am sure you definitely need more that 2-3 months of effort. I have enterprise level 7+ years hands on experience on NetApp and other vendor gear. I still had to put a lot of effort to update myself with all new ONTAP 9.1 architecture, functionality and networking including new FAS/AFF fleet, new 40g switches and also 12g ACP less shelves. Wish you good luck ! cheers Rajmatizer


Ok. Thank for your sharing information. I need ask your opinion on 2 thing regarding on this exam code :


1) From your opinion, is it the web-based (WBT) course listed in learning preparation in netapp portal is sufficient for take this exam? As i see, there a 2 WBT for free for this exam which is NetApp Universal FAS Installation (WBT) and Introduction to NetApp Installation Standard (WBT).


2) And is it any huge different in overall question in NCSIE NSO-181 and the previous one, NCSIE NSO-180 based on your observation? Your input very appreciate.


Yes 181 is totally different from 180 and the 181 practice test is also not that

@Zulhadi wrote:

Ok. Thank for your sharing information. I need ask your opinion on 2 thing regarding on this exam code :


1) From your opinion, is it the web-based (WBT) course listed in learning preparation in netapp portal is sufficient for take this exam? As i see, there a 2 WBT for free for this exam which is NetApp Universal FAS Installation (WBT) and Introduction to NetApp Installation Standard (WBT).


2) And is it any huge different in overall question in NCSIE NSO-181 and the previous one, NCSIE NSO-180 based on your observation? Your input very appreciate.

relevant since it does not reflect Ontap9. Yes the 2 WBTs are helpful and recommended but not enough of what you need to know..


but for the exam of NSO-181, WBT will enough to help me pass on the exam? Maybe you have any recommendation reading material that i can refer to help me pass this exam.

For now, i just totally focus on this 2 WBT that can be access in netapp portal.


The 2 WBTs are great starting points but you need to go deeper into the topics. The following link will take you to a PDF that has links to a list of reference material for multiple certifications. Just scroll down to the list for NS0-181:




Hello Zulhadi,


NetApp Certification exams are written to test real-world knowledge and experience beyond just the course curriculum. Therefore, just taking the WBT should not be enough for you to pass the exam. I would strongly recommend reviewing the documents listed in the Reference Document to increase your knowledge. The best way to help you pass the exam is by working with the product/technology in the real world to increase your experience and familiarity with it. We write our exams for individuals with at least six months of experience working with the product/technology.


I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Greg Hyman

NetApp Certification and Accreditation Program Manager


Hello Zulhadi,



Did you get on the exam?I'am planning to do it on Febreruary, i will start my self study on this Weekend. If you have some advice or guidance you are welcome! 


Kind Regards



Hi PF,


Not yet. I just planning to get this exam on next week. I also don't have idea on what type on question will ask. But i will share with you once i finish the exam. 


Hi again! 😄


You caught me studying! I'am preparing it using the ncp-reference-document.pdf that shows up the topics\areas that we need to focus on. The major problem with this, is about the different types of customer that we have. This is a global certification, i understand that, but sometimes it appears questions about some features or hardware that i only see on books. It make sense that we need to know more deeply some aspects. 


good luck! 


Kind Regards



Hi to all,


Regarding the ncp reference document, i noticed that there are some missing links, and another ones are Unauthorized Access. So in order to keep moving on my study, i'am copiling a new link collection refering each link or topic presented in the document.


I expect in the following days (maybe Friday) to publish the new list.


Kind Regards



Hello PF,


My apologies that the links are no longer current. If you would please list our the names of these links or email them to me, I will work on fixing them in the document.


Greg Hyman

NetApp Certification and Accreditation Program Manager


Hello Greg,


Here is what i found, and what i'am pointing...


NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP (NS0-181)
• Additional tasks after installing and testing an ONTAP configuration with array LUNs - Link Ok!!
• Advanced Drive Partitioning FAQ - NOK
Advanced Drive Partition FAQ_may_v_2_0.pdf,%22sref...


• AFF A300 Systems: Installation and Setup Instructions - Link Ok!!
• Broadcast-domain configured with ports from multiple VLANs - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
ONTAP_90_Network_Management_Guide.pdf (9.3)


• Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3: Express Setup Guide for 80xx Systems - Link Ok!!
• CN1601 and CN1610 Switch Setup and Configuration Guide - Link Ok!!
• Completing the cluster setup worksheet - Link Ok!!
• Config Advisor 5.0: Quick Start Guide - Link Ok!!
• Configuring failover settings on a LIF - Link Ok!!
• Configuring iSCSI protocol on SVMs - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
I belivie that the below link is enought for this topic Deep dive into this could be more than enought!


• Converting from RAID-DP to RAID-TEC - Link Ok!! but i do recommend to also look at RAID-TEC - RAID-DP Page 62

• Creating a cluster - Link NOK File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
and also the following which describes all process itself.


• DataMotion for Volumes: NetApp clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 and 8.3 - Link OK!! And i recommend special attention to node-reporting/SLM topics and also volume move phases.

• Decommissioning the old system - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
In my opinion, this can be decomission the old system(7-mode pehaps??) on the autosuppport site? Or is about removing an HA Pair from the cluster?
Removing Nodes -

• Evaluation Licenses - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
I dont know much the about this topic, or the goal of this, but of course i alreay made the procedure to have some temporary licenses. Below 2 links about this.

• Factory configuration default values - Link OK!! It makes sense regarding the trends..
• FAS26xx Series Systems Installation and Setup Instructions - Link Ok!!
• Hardware Universe - Link Ok!! Regarding the DHWU, i used it every time i dont know a equiment. Nowdays, during my study iam looking to Cisco Nexux 3132Q-V and Shelves DS460C, DS224C, and DS212C.
• How to modify flow control on cluster LIF in clustered Data ONTAP - Link Ok!! This is/was a very common task 🙂
• How to perform a disruptive head upgrade (head swap) for clustered Data ONTAP - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
I also advise Cosonok explanation 😃


• How to run diagnostics using the sldiag command on the interconnect for FAS32xx and FAS62xx - Link Ok!! - Link Ok!! Take a look on also.
• In-Band ACP Setup and Support - Link Ok!!
• Industry/Product Knowledge
• Installation and Cabling Guide: For DS460C, DS224C, and DS212C - Link Ok!! Need to read this, because the "new" Quad-Path.14:24 01/02/2018
• Installation and Setup Instructions FAS2552 Systems and ONTAP9 Release Notes - Link NOK. File Not Found/ Unauthorized Access. and the release notes I'am following the 9.1..but there are differences in 9.2 or 9.3.

• Installing FASTPATH software and RCFs on a NetApp cluster switch - Link Ok!!
• Installing NX-OS software and RCFs on Cisco® Nexus 3132Q-V cluster switches - Link Ok!!
• Installing the 16-port Cisco unified port expansion module in Nexus 5596 cluster switches - Link Ok!!
• Interface group types - Link Ok!!
• License types and licensed method - Link Ok!!
• Managing AutoSupport - Link Ok!!
• Managing clusters - Link NOK. HTTP Status 404.

• Managing the cluster time (cluster administrators only) - Link NOK. File Not Found / Unauthorized Access.
I advise also to now more about this.

• Migrating to a two-node switched cluster with NetApp CN1610 cluster switches - Link Ok!!
• NetApp 10G Cluster-Mode Switch Installation Guide - Link Ok!!
• NetApp CN1610 Cluster Switch Software Download Instructions - Link Ok!!
• NetApp CN1610 Switch Administrator’s Guide - Link Ok!!
• NetApp Global Services Contacts - Link Ok!!
• NetApp KnowledgebaseWhat is a Service Processor and how do I use it? - Link Ok!!
• NetApp ONTAP 9 Documentation Center - Link Ok!! You should look for everything here 😃
• NetAppDocs 3.1P1 - Link Ok!! 3.2P1 new version.
• Netbooting and setting up ONTAP on the new controller module - Link NOK.

• Network Interfaces Link NOK. - check lif roles

• ONTAP 9 Concepts - Link Ok!!
• ONTAP 9 Release Notes - Link Ok!!
• ONTAP 9: System Administration Reference - Link Ok!!
• ONTAP® 9: EMS Configuration Express Guide  - Link Ok!!
• Recommended Data ONTAP releases on the NetApp Support Site - Link Ok!! I also recomend the 2 following links:

• Requirements for cabling HA pair - Link Ok!!
• Requirements for using AutoSupport - Link Ok!!
• SAS cabling issue: Both SAS connections from one controller go to the same shelf - Link Ok!! Need to recheck this info.
• SAS Disk Shelves- Installation and Cabling Guide: For DS460C, DS224C, and DS212C - Link Ok!! Important one, in my opinion.
• SAS Disk Shelves- SAS and ACP Cabling Guide: For DS4243, DS2246, DS4486, and DS4246 Link Ok!!
• Software Licenses - Link Ok!!
• Software Version Support - Link Ok!!
• Step-by-step guide to configuring new NetApp installations using the ConfigBuilder tool Link Ok!! Please also view the recommended WBT in the exam prepararion guide.
• Storage Subsystem Configuration Guide - Link Ok!!
• Storage Virtual Machines - Link NOK.
Talking about SVMs is a big big topic but... my advise is to know much as you can. Try to see SVM-DR also!

• Support Case Submittal Process Quick Reference Guide  - Link NOK.

• Support for triple parity RAID protection - Link Ok!! I advise to learn more about Raid-TEC.
• Using aggregate relocation to upgrade controller hardware on a pair of nodes running ONTAP 9.x Link Ok!!


Remember the links that i mention before, are based on my experience, my own country/customer experience. We all now, that in some regions the not so big when compared. 


Kind Regards



Hi Pedro,


Thank you for sending this detailed list. Honestly, it looks as though most of these links just require you to create a login for which will grant you access to them. Still, I will review everything you identified and update what I can. I will let you know once the document has been updated.


Greg Hyman

NetApp Certification and Accreditation Program Manager


Hi PF,


Thank for the link updated. Very helpful.





Mohd Zulhadi


Hello Team,


Just to inform you, thati've passed the exam today!! The ngc-reference-guide cover all exam, but as you know is expected that you have at least 6 to 12 months experience. If you are in a small country as i am you will be a swiss knife for everything (monitoring projects, storage project, network...blabla bla) i would recomend experience based on ONTAP Cluster topologies plus time experience. Due to my company, there are controllers that i'am not familiriar with, but you should know your self and you weak points and cover them as much as you can.


The links that i posted, please read them carefully and you you be prepared for the exam.


Kind Regards

