NetApp Learning Services Discussions

NetApp Protection Software Administration!!!


Hello everybody,

Yesterday, I  was reading to about all the information in the Guide, and I have some questions because I  read some information and I really confused..

About  Snapmirror: I was reading when it does a manual update and there's no  more space left, It fails... so it goes to resync totally automatically,  but where can I see the time that it took to do this job automatically?

About  MetroCluster (I am reading a guide that Eugene was provide me is Really  Good but there's some information and i have many questions): Talking  about when I have a cluster, the boths nodes need to have access to the  same subnet, they need to be interconected, and need something else to  do?..

About syncmirror, If I try to  delete the syncmirror license I need to put offline the plex volumes or  not?, when I do a split of the volume they stay like normal flex  volumes, and before I will destroy de aggr.

About Aggregates, If i try to destroy a plex aggregate, I need first to put offline or with the command aggr destroy plexname, I will put offline and destroy it?

Best Regards and Many thanks for  your answers.



Luis -

See the output for 'snapmirror status'.

Err, much to be aware of with Metrocluster, keep reading. ( It's not always the same nets, read about mcrc file network configs. )

I don't understand your qustions about syncmirror, but yes, you can break and re-establish mirrors by taking plexs offline, and re-mirroring.

It seems you're enjoying your self study for NCDA certification !

I hope this response has been helpful to you.

At your service,

Eugene E. Kashpureff
Fastlane NetApp Instructor and Independent Consultant

(P.S. I appreciate points for helpful or correct answers.)


Hi Eugene,

In fact, about the question of syncmirror, I was resolve yesterday with the simulator, I need to split both plex to un license the syncmirror, so I can't delete the aggregate if I before don't split the plexes and put offline... about the aggr destroy command there's an option that provides me to force and destroy the plexes in the aggr without splitting? ........about metrocluster I will going to read today some information, and after that maybe I'll stay here asking you.

Thanks a lot Eugene, I really appreciate your help.

Doing tests with SnapRestore I was found tne information that I need... what SnapRestore can restore? Snaprestore can restores Volumes, Files and LUNS... This is all

