Network and Storage Protocols

54.6 MB/s iSCSI GbEthernet between Linux (RH5) and FAS2020


average 54.6 MB/s is normal speed  for GigaEthernet ? ( I have just FAS2020 -> SwitchEnterasysC3(HighSpeedGigabitEthernet) -> Linux(broadcom GigabitEthernet) )

When I tried to use dd to force write data in FAS2020 the process is used 100%, this is one bottleneck problem or this is normal ?


Like above

[root@oraclesrv mnt]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=5M count=1000 conv=notrunc
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
5242880000 bytes (5.2 GB) copied, 95.9385 seconds, 54.6 MB/s

filer2> sysstat -i -s 2
CPU    NFS   CIFS  iSCSI      Net kB/s     Disk kB/s     iSCSI  kB/s    Cache
                               in   out     read  write      in   out      age
  4%      8      0      0     227    24       22      0       0     0      10
  1%     19      0      0       5    82      576     16       0     0      10
  4%      0      0      0       2     4       12     12       0     0      10
74%    316      0     82   43072  1042     1130  39734   39213     0       7
94%      0      0    117   61546  1371      666  74028   58655     0       5
99%    124      0    104   56693  1362      728  65542   53117     0       5
99%      0      0    112   62428  1400      744  74212   59507     0       5
99%      0      0    112   64355  1435      768  79680   61213     0       5
96%      9      0    112   62747  1419     1016  71034   59441     0       5
99%      0      0    110   58443  1324      414  64812   55640     0       5
99%      0      0    122   64568  1439     1002  77548   61506     0       5
95%     10      0     95   55751  1275     1386  67932   52691     0       5
100%      0      0    104   52392  1176      782  59652   49807     0       5



Hi umonteiro

I may have the same issue as yours, but I would love to get 55MB/s I get only 15/20MBs

My config is FAS2050 (ONTAP with 2 controllers / 2 aggregates / (1) aggregate has only 3 disk, the other one (2) has 16 Disks + 1 Spare.

All my production is on the aggregate 2, only 3 ESX servers connected to it.

My aggregate (2) has 11 volumes- as you will see only 3 of them are only - They are NFS volume.

My NAS/SAN switch is a Dell 2724 1GB ports

I believe I have a performance issue, I'm evaluating a backup solution name Veeam Backup 4.0 and the performance I get is low 15/20MB/s

db01offline,raid_dp aggr0------
dstore01online,raid_dp,sis aggr0-276 GB51%560 GB71624.2 m
dstore02online,raid_dp,sis aggr0-492 GB12%560 GB37624.2 m
exchdboffline,raid_dp aggr0------
exchlogoffline,raid_dp aggr0------
fs01online,raid_dp,sis aggr0-180 GB64%500 GB13919 m
sqldb01offline,raid_dp aggr0------
sqldb02offline,raid_dp aggr0------
sqllogs01offline,raid_dp aggr0------
sqllogs02offline,raid_dp aggr0------
vol0online,raid_dp/na_admin/images/check12x12white.gifaggr0-172 GB0%172 GB5.11 k7.45 m

During a backup I see this with sysstat, it looks pretty weird for me, and seems to act as a Diesel

I may get rid of the iSCSI volume I did create a long time ago, and then expand my NFS volume will this help my performance ?

sto-fas02*> sysstat
CPU    NFS   CIFS   HTTP      Net kB/s     Disk kB/s      Tape kB/s    Cache
                               in   out     read  write    read write     age
  3%     69      0      0     240   356      666    402       0     0       2
  3%     73      0      0     278   116      607    827       0     0       2
  2%     62      0      0     325   100      374    414       0     0       3
  6%    437      0      0    2066   492      713    773       0     0       3
  6%    185      0      0     814    74      514   2470       0     0       3
  3%    117      0      0     458    38      282    491       0     0       3
  5%    311      0      1     277   156      430    814       0     0       4
  6%    354      0      0     550  1456     1681    595       0     0       4
19%    586      0      0     513 17383    18385    876       0     0       4
18%    846      0      0     747 14889    12753    405       0     0       4
15%    517      0      0     512 13114    13486    672       0     0       5
24%    864      0      0     712 20726    21227   1203       0     0       5
24%    695      0      0    1238 27682    12851   1314       0     0       5
31%    681      0      0     639 42056     7107    797       0     0      21s
18%    414      0      0     458 20463    20154    440       0     0      33s
18%    415      0      0     395 19792    19593    771       0     0      45s
18%    409      0      0     427 21262    20330    357       0     0      57s
17%    405      0      0     352 20404    19746    358       0     0       1
19%    561      0      0     475 20125    20248    639       0     0       1
  18%    572      0      0     620 22212    20805    576       0     0       1
16%    365      0      0     426 21039    20251    813       0     0       1
12%    281      0      0     286 16311    15486    345       0     0       2
12%    279      0      0     323 15853    15336    650       0     0       2
16%    376      0      0     403 21498    20395    366       0     0       2
13%    300      0      0     355 16603    16013    664       0     0       2
12%    292      0      0     276 16612    15895    311       0     0       2
19%    455      0      0     515 25375    22111    444       0     0       3
32%    734      0      0     784 44725    42458    714       0     0       2
31%    742      0      0     702 45766    43340    602       0     0       2
31%    738      0      0     644 45724    43410    710       0     0       4
32%    775      0      0     746 46959    44521    398       0     0       4
32%    758      0      0     724 46655    44337    843       0     0       3
30%    734      0      0     664 45463    42988    332       0     0       3
30%    695      0      0     582 43532    41256    614       0     0       3
30%    696      0      0     703 42801    40308    338       0     0       3
15%    383      0      0     847 14154    14238    778       0     0       5
  3%    209      0      0     334   146      467   1044       0     0       5
  2%     41      0      0     173    63      379    430       0     0       5
  6%    524      0      0     541  1011     1278    837       0     0       3

What is going on ?

What can I do to troubleshot this, and of course increase my NAS performance ?



Backups jobs tend to do a lot of sequential reads, so I'd recommend running realocate command to a) check the level of volume fragmentation, b) do the defrag if required.




CPU is incredibly busy which makes me ask this question - are jumbo frames enabled end to end?

Here are some previous discussions around this topic:




a) check the level of volume fragmentation and defrag

Are you speaking about the NEtapp volume ? if so, can you tell me how to check and defrag the volume ? can it be done during work hours ?


a) check the level of volume fragmentation and defrag

Are you speaking about the NEtapp volume ?

Yes, exactly.

Have you got access to SE communities? If so, check this out:

Also some interesting reading here:

And obviously reading on NOW site:


