I have a Netapp AFF C800 system with several network interfaces including 2 x 25Gbps 2-port cards. These 25Gbps ports are seen by Ontap as RDMA RoCE enabled.
I created a LACP (IP based) portgroup by taking the first port of each of the 2 cards inside each controller.
On the LACP portgroup a0a, the RDMA Protocol column no longer shows the RoCE entry as it did for the individual boards.
When I go to create a LIF of type Data - NFS, SMB/CIFS and check the “Use RoCE ports” checkbox, I get the error message “A broadcast domain with RoCE-capable ports wasn't found”.
So my question is this: is it possible to use RoCE on a LIF if Link Aggregation Groups are created? If so, how should I create the LAG in order to have RoCE? Or do I have to do it completely differently e.g., by not creating the lag?
Thank you