Network and Storage Protocols

Cannot mount vol0 after a "4a"



I am in the process of reprovisioning a 3020 filer. I ran through the whole 4a process, re-did the networking (/rc and /hosts), configured the RLM etc. That's all fine.

I remembered I had to re-install DOT when I could not open filerview.

So I am trying to mount it, and nothing I do is working. It's just shutting me down.

Here is the filer, i am checking on permissions...

names and ip's changed to protect the innocent..

Filer> exportfs -c Solaris /vol/vol0 root
exportfs: Solaris has root access to /vol/vol0
Filer> exportfs -c Solaris /vol/vol0 rw
exportfs: Solaris has rw access to /vol/vol0

Here is that same unix host trying to "touch test" on /vol/vol0 and being told no way..

Solaris@/mnt/ld4_heada: snoop -d aggr20002 Solaris
Using device /dev/aggr20002 (promiscuous mode)
Solaris -> Filer0  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  TCP D=2049 S=795 Ack=2630352536 Seq=1996008675 Len=0 Win=49640
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C LOOKUP3 FH=1E55 test
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  TCP D=2049 S=795 Ack=2630353224 Seq=1996009291 Len=0 Win=49640
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C FSSTAT3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R LOOKUP3 No such file or directory
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C GETATTR3 FH=1E55
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R FSSTAT3 OK
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R GETATTR3 OK
Solaris -> Filer  TCP D=2049 S=795 Ack=2630353632 Seq=1996009563 Len=0 Win=49640
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C LOOKUP3 FH=1E55 test
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R LOOKUP3 No such file or directory
Solaris -> Filer  NFS C CREATE3 FH=1E55 (GUARDED) test
Filer -> Solaris  NFS R CREATE3 Permission denied
Solaris -> Filer  TCP D=2049 S=795 Ack=2630353900 Seq=1996009943 Len=0 Win=49640

It's making it really hard to re-install since I cant get code on the filer..

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.



I have blogged the web way of Data ONTAP install @, you can try this out.




To mount the root volume of filer on a host, make that host a trusted host, i.e you have to make entries in /etc/hosts for the admin host. else you can define admin by running setup command.


Try redoing the permission for the client in filerview or tpye exportsfs -a wait about a min and try again


Thanks to all for helpful suggestions.

Issue turned out to not be filer related - there was a NAT issue in the remote access device we were using so my IP was incorrect when I hit the filer. The ACL's were WAD.

If I could have connected I could have gotten a trace off it and seen this immediately.

What I did instead was the cheap and easy (in hindsight!) solution: Log in via SSH and fatfinger the password - and then check the log. Your source IP shows up in the log.

Cheers - JP
