Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I have a vFiler that I want to change network to a new vLan. The vFiler is used for homedirectory and common files, what happeds to the file right if I change network. Do I have to reconnect the vFiler to the domain? Can I change the network settings from GUI(System Manager) or is´t CLI only?
Cli only for now. Use vFiler add -i to add the ip you want to the vFiler. Then ifconfig the interface to that ip and it will bind to the vFiler. If needed add the interface to the Ipspace first.
If you don't need he old ip, ifconfig the interface down then vFiler remove -i
You then likely need to delete and add the default route to he new network.
If the domain controller is on the other network no need to setup cifs again. Users just reconnect.
Hi Scott
In my case I have to
1. Remov the old interface, ifconfig, then vFiler remow -i
2. Add a new interface to the IPspace and add ip adress
3. Reconnect to the domain.
Add the new ip first. You can't go without an ip. So need at least one configured at a time. So usually add the new ten remove the old unless another ip is on the vFiler.
Sent from my iPhone 4S
Is it possible to have two vLan on the same vFiler.
In my case a want to acess the same share from two diffrent vLAN.
Yes. Same as a physical controller. Just make sure both vlans are assigned to the Ipspace. And you likely need to add a net route in addition to the default route for the vFiler.
I will test to add a new vLan tomorrow, thanks for fast support.
Yes Tobias,
Hi Again
A lot of tech. people starting to get worried about adding a secondry vLan and remove the old vLan. Is there a problem with the Actie Directory rights to files on CIFS share on the vFiler. Will it have any impact on that?
File permissions won't change. As long as you can get to a domain controller you can connect.
Sent from my iPhone 4S
What happends is a lose connections and have to setup another network(vif) to connect to the vfiler.
Troubleshoot connectivity. Ping ,, trace route , cifs testdc / resetdc. Network changes have been more common lately with customers migrating from 1 to 10g ad using different networks. Make sure you can back out and go back to the old network or have another contingency plan if issues on the new network.
Sent from my iPhone 4S
ok, thanks