We're just creating a Ontap 8.1 unit for a mixed environment of Windows-Clients (SMB 2.0) and MAC OS X 10.6.8 Clients (NFS?).
and therefore we're having a few questions...
- This should be a high performance filer - so should we connect the MACs via NFS or via CIFS?
- The Windows User are in Active Directory but the MAC-User are "standalone" - is there a "better way" as to "translate" them via usermap.cfg or passwd ?
- are there some requirments for the MAC-UIDs of the different users?
- Should the qtrees set as "NTFS" or "mixed"? --> we want to use AD-Groups for setting file-security...
Is there an up2date whitpaper (Ontap 8.1) for Netapp integrating MAC-Clients?
We'll be glad for some help