Hi There,
Can anybody help to answer following questions regarding FAS snmp statistic collection, thanks in advance.
1, what's the meaning of "since the last time the statistics were cleared"in the MIB library, and what's the interval of statistic-clearing if it is cleard by FAS automatically?
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"The number of RPC calls for the TCP protocol
received whose header could not be XDR decoded,
since the last time the statistics were cleared."
::= { rpcServ 10 }
2, what does "ifHighInOctets" statistics do ?
3, what is the snmp event for "disk utilization" ?
4, what is the best practice for setting up "snmp get" interval for FAS statistic collection?
This is quite urgent and I'm looking forward to your prompt replys, Thanks again,