We are currently running Quest Storage Manager in our environment. Unfortunatly this does not play nicely with our vfiler. The reason is that it is trying to copy a licence file onto \\VFILERNAME\C$ which is the root of the vfiler. We need to make sure that \\VFILERNAME\C$ redirects to the volume where data is held i.e. /vol/voldata1 rather than just / which is currentyl sits in.
The steps to do this are:
Connect to the filer using putty
Type in vfiler context vfilername (to switch to the vfiler)
Cifs shares –delete c$
Cifs shares –add c$ /vol/lvoldata1
Can anybody envisage any problems which performing the above activities on the vfiler? I am very nervous about doing this as i am not sure if it will break anything else!