So I've been having trouble connecting to one particular vfiler as the root credential in the Powershell toolkit. We use the same password on all the other ones I connected to, I was attempting to use saved na-credentials (in my profile, non-system scope) but tried explicitly connecting w/ credentials too. I went in via SSH to the controller, and then switched to the vfiler context and ran "passwd" on root and changed it to the same password I already thought it was, retried, no dice. I then added a new user "admin2" --attempting to add it with the same password--but it says the password is invalid because it requires a number. Our standard admin password is a lot of characters and a mix of cases, but no numbers. So I used another password, it took it... and now when I connect via powershell direct to the vfiler, it works when I use that credential. Both users are in the local administrators group on the filer itself.
Anyone have any idea what could be going on?
BTW the error when using Connect-NaController laxsal1-credential root was:
(I typically do just connect-nacontroller laxsal1 and it should use the saved credential, which I added/removed several times; same error either way).
Connect-NaController : Incorrect credentials for laxsal1.
At line:1 char:21
+ Connect-NaController <<<< laxsal1 -credential root
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidResult: (laxsalflr01:NaController) [Connect-NaController], NaAuthException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HttpConnectionFailed,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.ConnectNaController
Connect-NaController laxsalflr01 -credential admin2
(admin2 being the new) works fine.
Since I can't ssh to the vfiler itself, how can I validate on the vfiler somewhere else that the root password is accepted as we have it set? Is there something equivalent to a sudo command that would force it to prompt me and validate root?