ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Is there a way to view the available space in an aggregate within a data vserver? If I'm going to increase or create a volume in the aggregate, I would like to know that there is enough room. Is there a field for one of the commands that shows the available / used per aggregate?
First check by this
cluster1::> storage aggregate show
nodes column shows the which aggr belong to which node
cluster1::> storage aggregate show -aggregate aggr1
you are in cluster1 node here
After you create vserver, in any node, when you do
cluster::> vserver show
one of the column is the aggregate info there....
Hope this helps
I know I can find the aggregate name and I can find the size of the aggregate from the cluster admin level / node vserver. I am imaging myself as being a vserver admin only and logging into my data vserver and wanting to increase my volume. How do I know how much free space is in the aggregate?
you have to assign the aggregates which are bound to that vserver to vserver admin
vserver show -fields aggr-list = to see if any assinged
if not assign as
vserver modify -vserver vs1.example.com -aggr-list aggr1,aggr2
Let me know
There is an aggregate assigned to the Vserver, what I would like to see in that data vserver is the available spae in the aggregate - is that possible?
In 7-mode, I would run "df -g volume" then "df -Ag aggr" to make sure there was room before I expanded.
In C-mode, I can see the size of my volume in the data vserver, but I can't find the command to see the size of that volume's aggregate.
Use df -Ag in 7-mode to see the details, as well as df -h
In c-mode, run the storage aggregate show command to display the available aggr quantity and total AGGR size