ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have Netapp FAS8300 with 3 DS224C with 60 disk, I added 2 additional DS224C with 48 disk.
Current Configuration :
2 Node Netapp FAS8300 Ontap 9.9.1
3 DS224C disk shelf ( Total 60 disk each disk 1.8 TB) shelf is (01,02,03)
Addition :
2 DS224C disk shelf ( Total 48 disk each disk 1.2 TB)
All cable connectivity showing green, disk self show in Ontap GUI and CLI with new shelf id (04 &05).
We have checked all disk shelf cable and connectivity using cli, all disk shelf cable and connectivity show connected.
Solved! See The Solution
I am pretty sure I know this one…
you are mixing self encrypting drives with standard drives. The behavior you explain is what I’ve seen when a customer ordered regular disks and tried to add to a system with self encrypting drives.
you cannot mix on the same ha pair.
Kinda odd... Were this new shelves or repurposed?
New DS224C disk shelf..
Can you post the output of sysconfig for one of the nodes?
Cluster::> run -node node01 -command sysconfig -a
looks like a drive encryption mis-match - I checked via HWU.
X427 - FIPS 140-2 Level 2, NSE
X342 - No
You cannot mix NSE and non-NSE in the same HA Pair.
I am pretty sure I know this one…
you are mixing self encrypting drives with standard drives. The behavior you explain is what I’ve seen when a customer ordered regular disks and tried to add to a system with self encrypting drives.
you cannot mix on the same ha pair.
I've seen them just not show up at all before in that situation. ONTAP just showed an empty shelf. But, that's what I was getting at when I asked for the sysconfig output. Check the disk model #
Thank for all support , Issue is resolved ...