Back in the days I did something to save the backup file to a volume, then the volume was backed up to tape. I used the following commands
set diagnostic
systemshell -node NAPP12 -command sudo cp -rf /mroot/etc/backups/config/NAPP_Cluster2.8hour.2023-03-22.18_15_00.7z /clus/SVM1/cluster_backup/
and from powershell it was something like : -
Connect-NcController ClusterDNSname
$file = Get-NcConfigBackup |Sort-Object -Descending created|Select-Object -First 1
$cmd = "set diag -confirmations off;systemshell -node cluster1-01 -command sudo cp -rf /mroot/etc/backups/config/"+$file.backupname+" /clus/Svm1/cluster_backup/"
invoke-ncssh $cmd