ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Have a FAS2240 with 8.1RC3 and asup configured.
It sends EVERY day 2 mails (MANAGEMENT_LOG and PERFORMANCE_DATA)... Tried to switch this off, as described in the KB, but deosn't seem to work. Also the SysAdminGuide does no mention anything.
These are the options:
autosupport.cifs.verbose | off |
autosupport.content | complete |
autosupport.doit | MANAGEMENT_LOG |
autosupport.enable | on |
autosupport.from | filer@acme.com |
autosupport.local_collection on
autosupport.mailhost | smtp.acme.com |
autosupport.max_http_size | 10485760 |
autosupport.max_smtp_size | 5242880 |
autosupport.minimal.subject.id systemid
autosupport.nht_data.enable off
autosupport.partner.to | admin@acme.com,autosupport@thinxworx.ch |
autosupport.payload_format 7z
autosupport.performance_data.doit DONT
autosupport.performance_data.enable off
autosupport.periodic.tx_window 1h
autosupport.retry.count | 15 |
autosupport.retry.interval 4m
autosupport.support.enable on
autosupport.support.put_url support.netapp.com/put/AsupPut
autosupport.support.to | autosupport@netapp.com |
autosupport.support.transport smtp
autosupport.support.url | support.netapp.com/asupprod/post/1.0/postAsup |
autosupport.throttle | on |
autosupport.to | admin@acme.com,storage@acme.com |
autosupport.validate_digital_certificate on
ALL autosupport commands deliver empty returns...
Thanks for any idea or hint.
Solved! See The Solution
By using autosupport.partner.to, all AutoSupports sent to NetApp to provide support will also be sent.
The "to" is filtered intentionally to not send "spam" AutoSupports like these and can be configured as needed.
NetApp needs these AutoSupports to enable our proactive support and other aids.
I recommend clearing the autosupport.partner.to field so these and other AutoSupports aren't received.
If other AutoSupports are desired to be sent to the "to" destination, one can use the "autosupport trigger" command to have them enabled to be sent to "to" destination(s) and if desired the "noteto" destination(s).
make sure the autosupport.performance_data.enable is off and autosupport.local.performance_data.enable is off.
thank you,
make sure the autosupport.performance_data.enable is off
This is extremely bad advice. If you do not want to receive ASUP, do not put yourself in recipient list of ASUP. That's that simple.
Thanks for any idea or hint.
I am not sure I understand what exactly is wrong. Do you ask, how to return back to weekly ASUPs? Or how to turn off ASUP completely?
For me daily asup are SPAM... I want to get rid of the daily mails...
By using autosupport.partner.to, all AutoSupports sent to NetApp to provide support will also be sent.
The "to" is filtered intentionally to not send "spam" AutoSupports like these and can be configured as needed.
The "to" is filtered intentionally to not send "spam" AutoSupports like these and can be configured as needed.
That's not what the documentation says. From System Administration Guide 8.1RC3: Daily and Weekly are sent
to "Addresses specified in autosupport.to and autosupport.partner.to". But when looking with "autosupport trigger show", weekly trigger is not sent to "to" address by default and there is no trigger that bears any resemblance to "daily".
All of this is rather confusing ... is it possible to configure "daily" trigger similar to "weekly"?
All of this is rather confusing ... is it possible to configure "daily" trigger similar to "weekly"?
Yes it is possible to configure the 2 daily AutoSupports to be like the 2 or more weekly ones.
One possible way is to figure out the Subject line of the AutoSupport you want to alter and then look at the latest NOW site AutoSupport matrix to find the matching callhome.xxx event. The "autosupport trigger" command can be used to change the notifications to "autosupport.to". Here is a link to the NOW site matric: http://support.netapp.com/eservice/ems?emsProduct=ontap&emsRel=8.0.2&emsSyslog=callhome
Another approach is to log at messages or event log and find the "callhome.xxxx" EMS events that are happening and then use the "autosupport trigger" command.
Did you intentionally omit the third (which rather should be the very first) approach – actually document it in manuals so users would not need to dig around searching for it?
There is some good information on 8.1 AutoSupport and trigger modification in the System Administration Guide for Data ONTAP 8.1.
To comment on the daily transmissions of AutoSupport... management logs and performance data were changed to daily transmissions to smooth out the (potentially large) amount of information over the week. Previous to 8.1, this information was sent in one large message on Sunday. This occasionally created excessive mail message sizes for SMTP and HTTP servers and was also causing stress on the reception side at NetApp. We're still sending the same level of information as before, but we're now splitting it up into 7 daily "chunks". Another improvement with 8.1 log file collection for AutoSupport involves keeping track of the last collected log entries. They are not resent in subsequent messages, eliminating redundant information from being sent.