I noticed the following when playing around with the 8.1 cmode simulator:
Create a volume "data" of 100 GB, create a volume "docs" of 500 GB. Put the "docs" volume under the "data" volume via a junction path, then create CIFS shares to both volumes (eg. share them as "data" and "docs").
When accessing the \\vserver\docs share, one can copy-paste (close to) 500 GB of data into the volume. No problem there.
But when accessing the \\vserver\data share and going into the "docs" directory/junction path, one can only copy-paste (close to) 100 GB of data into this folder, basically the free spare in the parent "data" volume.
This strikes me as odd behavior. So essentially if I want to create a top-level admin-only share to a parent volume containing one or more junction paths to bigger child volumes, my writes to any of those child volumes through the junction paths are limited by the size of the parent volume.
What is the rationale behind this ?
Thanks in advance,