ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi Experts,
I have a source filer FilerA and destination filer FilerB.
Snapmirror is enabled in both fiers.
FilerA ---> FilerB
And snapvault is enabled only in FilerB.
VolA from FilerA -----snapmirrored----> VolB (FilerB) and within the FilerB VolB snapvaulted to VolC
Now the challenge is i have to restore VolC from FilerB to VolA (FilerA)
Is there a way to restore it as i don have Snapvault license in my FilerA
For snapvault restore you need a license...if a one time test thing you can request a demo key, or check what the license fee is for your platform... snapvault primary is not a large investment. You can also copy the data over nas protocol. Although in this case the vault is from B-->C so the vault resides on C... restoring from B--> wouldn't be a snapvault but more of a snapmirror resync back the other way or copy of files manually over nas protocols (assuming nas).
We have only a primary license but no secondary ok may i know the procedure to restore via NAS protocol ??
NDMP or Manually is time consuming as the Volume morethan 9TB
Hi Scott,
May i know the procedure to restore through NAS as i never did it before.
Use the copy-and-paste method. From a windows or unix host, you can map a drive to the secondary volume or mount the secondary volume and then use copy and paste method to copy lost files or directories from the secondary volumes to any location, including to the original location.
Please let me know if that does the magic.
Hi RK,
Will try and let you know the outcome.
Hi Rasool,
you should able to restore the volC on FilerB from where the snapvault is taken.
After this you can make a ndmp copy to FileA. An other way ist that you create a new snapmirror form
the "new" Volume on FilerB to FilerA.
If yuo have installed OnCommandCore you can do the restore via the Management Console.
An nother way is, that you clone the Volum on filerC with flexclon. The you can make this writable.
I hope this helps.
Hi Gerd,
Sure,will try out something and come back to you