ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have tried to change the IP addresses on these and after a reboot the one I thought I changed came back with its original IP.
, is there a process to do this when one is the active and one is waiting for takeover?
only the active one can I login to and use ifconfig
can anyone help?
Hmm....I'd check your /etc/rc file as that's where interface/IP #'s/VIFs get defined on boot -- you can view it by typing "rdfile /etc/rc".
What did you use to change the IP address? CLI or a GUI tool? I'm interested to know in case there's a bug to track down.
Your "ipconfig" changes will generally be temporary; to make them persistent you'll want to update /etc/rc accordingly.
Some of our management tools try to make that persistence automatic for you.
Another solution to change the IP, "correctly", if you can reboot your FILER after ...made an SETUP, and change the IP at the request ...
So, actualy your're in takeover or Cf status is OK ?
thanks to all, i was able to run SETUP and make the changes necessary.
I had to shutdown one and change the other, then shutdown that one and change the 2nd one, both were changed using the SETUP function.