We would like to correlate the data for volume name, volume ip address and the owning vserver. For this we have been querying the 2 endpoints ( volume-get-iter, net-interface-get-iter )
Using the “volume-get-iter” we are able to get the volume name, the owning-vserver-name.
Using the “net-interface-get-iter” we are able to get the volume ip address and the owning-vserver-name. We would like to correlate this data and would like to get the information such as which ip address belongs to which volume, but unfortunately we are not finding the common data point in both endpoints output that can help us.
Below is the sample POC in Python I have created in order to explain the issue.
from NetApp import NaServer
from NetApp import NaElement
s = NaServer.NaServer("********", 1, 31)
s.set_admin_user("******", "*******")
# first loop
tag = 'first'
while tag:
print("----------------- Calling the volume-get-iter -------------------- ")
api = NaElement.NaElement("volume-get-iter")
api.child_add_string("max-records", "100")
if tag != 'first':
api.child_add_string("tag", tag)
output = s.invoke_elem(api)
volumesattributes = output.child_get('attributes-list').children_get()
for volume in volumesattributes:
volumename = volume.child_get('volume-id-attributes').child_get_string('name')
vserver = volume.child_get('volume-id-attributes').child_get_string('owning-vserver-name')
tag = output.child_get_string("next-tag")
print("----------------- Calling the net-interface-get-iter -------------------- ")
api2 = NaElement.NaElement("net-interface-get-iter")
api2.child_add_string("max-records", "100")
if tag != 'first':
api2.child_add_string("tag", tag)
output2 = s.invoke_elem(api2)
networkattributes = output2.child_get('attributes-list').children_get()
for net in networkattributes:
address = net.child_get_string('address')
vserver = net.child_get_string('vserver')
tag = output.child_get_string("next-tag")
Here, for example the first print statement finds below correlation between volume name, the owning-vserver-name.
volume name | owning-vserver-name |
SVM01XOXO_root | SVM0001 |
lun_060822909021_030419_16_vol | SVM0001 |
nfs95ab | SVM0001 |
vol1230 | cluster96n-01 |
And for example the second print statement finds below correlation between volume address, the owning-vserver-name.
volume address | owning-vserver-name | | SVM0001 | | SVM0001 | | SVM0001 | | cluster96n | | cluster96n |
We would like to map these volume ip addresses with the volume name but we certainly need one more common attribute in both these endpoint result’s output. Would you please suggest how this can be achieved.
Many thanks !