ONTAP Discussions

DFM reporting query



I am working on a custom report in DFM. My requirement is, I want to list the volumes which are 95% or higher.

In other words, can I put any threshold on volume used% so that it will only list those volumes which are above that specified threshold?

OR Is there any other way to do that either using DFM or any other tool?





This is a very basic DFM task that is explained in the manual.

If you re not keen on creating a custom report then list all volumes and sort them, then export into excel.





I also tried to create custom report and added a column of volume used % but it shows all volumes list then I do sort and then export.

I want to know how can I list only specific volumes which are above some value using custom reports?

Listing and sorting will not always work for me as I have 2000 volumes.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Sunil,

While creating the custom report ,if you use volume used % field as the first one, it will be sorted by default. Here you can come to know the top filled volumes.

eg:dfm report create -R volume -f UsedPct,Name test1



Please let me know where can I put that condition/filter to give me specific volume list?

Or provide me link of any documents to go through.




Another small query:

I wanted to know the total capacity and its utilization of my netapp filer. Earlier I thought it is very simple. So I created a custom report and added below parameters:

Storage System Name

Storage System Total Capacity

Storage System Used Capacity

Storage System Used %

The surprise was, I see that total capacity is showing very small size, eg if my controller is having 120TB capacity then it is just showing total capacity of 2.30TB, used 1.30TB and used % 54. But I know that is is wrong. So I tried to figure out some other parameter from sysem which is "Storage System Physical Storage", which is somewhat correct.

Questions are:

1. What is the difference between Storage System Total Capacity and Storage System Physical Storage?

2. If these objects are not correct which gives me correct space utilization information?

3. IMP: I also observe that for some systems total capacity is more than physical storage. How it is possible if physical is actual size of filer?

4. For some filers, physical storage value is null and only total capacity is showing the capacity. How it is possible?

I tried to find out the answers from DFM guides, but it was not there.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Sunil,

Which dfm build are you using ..?

If you are using 4.0.1D2 or 4.0D19 then

Storage system total capacity is calculated as below:

- Storage system total capacity as all volumes capacity if all volumes capacity

is less than total aggregates capacity.

- Storage system total capacity as all aggregates capacity if all volumes

capacity is greater than total aggregates capacity.

And storage system use capacity as all volume use capacity.

View the “storage-systems-capacity”, “volumes-capacity” and “aggregates-capacity” report using dfm report view <report-name> command and verify above things.

If you are using other than dfm 4.0.1D2 or dfm 4.0D19 then

Storage system total capacity is all volumes total capacity.

storage system use capacity as all volume use capacity

1. What is the difference between Storage System Total Capacity and Storage System Physical Storage

I have already explain Storage system capacity while storage system physical storage is total capacity of all disk (data, spare, parity or dparity) present in storage system.

3. IMP: I also observe that for some systems total capacity is more than physical storage. How it is possible if physical is actual size of filer?

If you are not using dfm 4.0.1D2 or dfm 4.0D19 build

In this case thin-provisioned volumes will be added in total volume capacity due to that storage system total capacity is more than physical storage.

Hope this helps..!





I am using (3.8.1) version of DFM. I know this is older, I am in the process to upgrade it nxt month.

Lets see the real examples.

Sum of all volumes total capacity is 12PB

Sum of all aggregates total space is 70TB (near to my expected value)

Storage system total capacity is 2.30TB

Storage system physical storage is 110TB

I see volumes capacity from GUI because from command line, few volumes and vfiler volumes are not visible.

1. So which one of them is correct???????

2. Is it so complex to find out the total space provided by the filer and how much is used from DFM? I cannot do steps like find aggr capacity, filer unique aggr, and then sum of aggr everytime I want to know the utilization. I have double digits of physical netapp boxes.




Hi Sunil,

From your data I can guess

Sum of all volumes total capacity is 12PB  (This is total capacity of allvolumes monitor by dfm server, not total capacity of all volumes of singlestorage system )

Sum of all aggregates total space is 70TB (near to my expected value) ( This istotal capacity of the all aggregates monitored by dfm server )

Youcan find out the total capacity and used capacity of the storage system byusing two reports (storage-systems-capacity and volumes-capacity).

[root@lnx186-78~]# dfm report view volumes-capacity f3070-xxx-xxx.gdl.englab.netapp.com

ObjectID Volume       Aggregate StorageServer                     Used    Total     Used (%)

--------------------- --------- ----------------------------------- ------- -----------------

3812     vfiler_vol   aggr0     vfiler_grp                             356     32768      1.1

3694     vol0        aggr0     f3070-xxx-xxx.gdl.englab.netapp.com 3583596563393060      0.6

3760     vfiler_vol_1 aggr0    vfiler_grp                             104     16384      0.6

Totals                                                              3584056 563442212      0.6



volume total capacity = 563442212(537.34 GB)

Volume used Capacity  =     3584056(3.41 GB)

[root@lnx186-78~]# dfm report view storage-systems-capacityf3070-xxx-xxx.gdl.englab.netapp.com

ObjectID StorageSystem                     Used    Total     Used (%)

-------------------------------------------- ------- --------- --------

3655     f3070-xxx-xxx.gdl.englab.netapp.com 3584056563442212      0.6

Totals                                       3584056 563442212      0.6


Storage system total capacity = 563442212  (Sameas Storage system all volumes total capacity)

Storage system total capacity =  3584056 (Same as Storagesystem all volumes used capacity)

So, in your case if you run “dfm report view volumes-capacity<storage-system-ip or name>” command then at the end of the output

You can see total volumes capacity and that will be 2.30TB.


