Hi All,
I was wondering what the best place is to have Data Ontap 8. At the moment the Data Ontap vol is placed in an aggr with other volumes. Would it be better to place Data Ontap vol in its own small aggr? The immediate reason is that Im going to destroy the same aggr to make new aggr so the Data Ontap vol is going to be moved/destroyed and for future work I was thinking if it wasnt better if Data Ontap vol were placed in its own aggr to avoid having to either move it or destroy it? I would appreciate either a comment or a reference to where I can read more?
At the same time I need to move Data Ontap from the aggr I need to destroy. Can I move it to another aggr and make Data Ontap boot from there? Then create the new aggr and move Data Ontap back? Is that the easiest way? Again I would appreciate a comment or a reference to where I can read more?
Thank you