ONTAP Discussions

Delete iSCSI Initiator


Hi All,


Is there a way to delete unwanted iscsi initiators. If you go to System Manager > Storage VMs > Select an svm with iscsi protocol enabled > iSCSI > Initiator Security


I have a list of initiators (VMs) that have all been decommed and can be removed from this list. If I select one of them there is no way to just "delete" that initiator through System Manager. I've also had a look at doing it via command line but again cant seem to spot the command to do it.


The only way I have managed to delete them is if they were already in an igroup I can remove them from the igroup which also deleted them from Initiator Security. If they arent in an igroup then I cant find a way at the moment to delete them.


ONTAP version is 9.11.1P10




You can take this command to see first:

cluster1::*> storage iscsi-initiator show

Then delete:

cluster1::*> storage iscsi-initiator remove-target -node node1
             -label target1

 Here are the relevant links:https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-cli-9111/storage-iscsi-initiator-remove-target.html 

Hi Warer, this isn't the case in our environment. I wouldnt have thought it would be targeting a specific node as its "cluster wide". 


I've been looking around and I don't seem to be able to remove it still. The closest I can get is changing the security type from Chap enabled to None. Still it keeps the decommed VM in the list. Would like to find a way to do this though. Perhaps this is something not available in our version of ONTAP
