ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
we made an upgrade in August to ONATP version 9.4P1
Today I was checking some config in our cluster and I have seen, that two cluster lifs are not on their home port:
network interface show -role cluster Logical Status Network Current Current Is Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ---- Cluster x-01_clus1 up/up x-01 e0b false x-01_clus2 up/up x-01 e0c true x-01_clus3 up/up x-01 e0b true x-01_clus4 up/up x-01 e0d true x-02_clus1 up/up x-02 e0b false x-02_clus2 up/up x-02 e0c true x-02_clus3 up/up x-02 e0b true x-02_clus4 up/up x-02 e0d true 8 entries were displayed.
As you see here, two lifs are not at home... HomePort would be e0a
network port show -role cluster Node: x-01 Ignore Speed(Mbps) Health Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false Node: x-02 Ignore Speed(Mbps) Health Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------ e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false 8 entries were displayed. network interface failover-groups show -vserver Cluster -failover-group Cluster Vserver Name: Cluster Failover Group Name: Cluster Failover Targets: x-02:e0a, x-02:e0b, x-02:e0c, x-02:e0d, x-01:e0a, x-01:e0b, x-01:e0c, x-01:e0d Broadcast Domain: Cluster network interface show -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1 -instance Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus1 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0a Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0b Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Numeric ID: 1024 Is Home: false Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Sticky Flag: false Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false (DEPRECATED)-Load Balancing Migrate Allowed: false Load Balanced Weight: load Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: -
When I try to revert the cluster lif on the correct node (I know, that you can do this only on the local node), I get the following error:
network interface revert -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1 -> Error: command failed: LIF "x-01_clus1" failed to migrate: failed to move cluster/node-mgmt LIF.
Also a migration to that port is failing with the same error.
On the clsuter switch, I saw some errors on that interface:
show interface 0/1 Packets Received Without Error................. 5389711331 Packets Received With Error.................... 1139 Broadcast Packets Received..................... 3128 Receive Packets Discarded...................... 0 Packets Transmitted Without Errors............. 6369143239 Transmit Packets Discarded..................... 0 Transmit Packet Errors......................... 0 Collision Frames............................... 0 Number of link down events..................... 6
I have shutted down that port and cleared the counters, but also then, I wasn't able to revert the lif...
I then shutted down the home port e0a and enabled again:
network port modify -node x-01 -port e0a -up-admin false network port modify -node x-01 -port e0a -up-admin true
-> didn't helped! Same issue
Then I treid migrate with force flag:
net int migrate -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1 -destination-node x-01 -destination-port e0a -force -> Warning: Migrating LIF "x-01_clus1" to node "x-01" using the "force" parameter might cause this LIF to be configured on multiple nodes in the cluster. Use the "network interface show -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1" command to verify the LIF's operational status is not "up" before using this command. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y Error: command failed: LIF "x-01_clus1" failed to migrate: failed to move cluster/node-mgmt LIF.
Same problem, not able to revert.
Does someone of you know this problem and has a solution for me?
We haven't changed the config of the netapp in the last time, only the upgrade from 9.3 to 9.4.
Best regards
is the firmware on your cluster switch compatiable with 9.4Px?
1. Check the Switch Port status and firmware
2. Swap the SFP+ or cable, I sugueestion rpleace the cable first, it has so many packet fail
3. Open Case to NetApp support
thank you for your answers....
Yes, firmeware on cluster switch is the latest available, I think 1.3 or so...
Port status is looking fine after clearing, no new errors, but there is no network load on it.
Cable is twinax cable, I will try to swap it next week.
Maybe some more suggestions?
BR Florian
From the command output two LIFs resides into the same physical port on the same node also from the message it shows that e0a it may be used as management LIF for the corresponding cluster node.
x-01_clus1 and x-01_clus3 -> e0b that's node x-01.
Also the same issue for node x-02.
please provide the following commands:
network interface show
network interface show -instance
network port show
network port stow -instance
Cluster x-01_clus1 up/up x-01 e0b false x-01_clus2 up/up x-01 e0c true x-01_clus3 up/up x-01 e0b true
the port e0a has ever been a cluster port and it was working until the upgrade, because I upgraded the cluster switch 1 or 2 weeks before the upgrade from 9.3 to 9.4 and there I had to mave all the cluster lifs around without having any issues with them.
Here the wanted network config (I removed some names and so on...)
network interface show Logical Status Network Current Current Is Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ---- Cluster x-01_clus1 up/up x-01 e0b false x-01_clus2 up/up x-01 e0c true x-01_clus3 up/up x-01 e0b true x-01_clus4 up/up x-01 e0d true x-02_clus1 up/up x-02 e0b false x-02_clus2 up/up x-02 e0c true x-02_clus3 up/up x-02 e0b true x-02_clus4 up/up x-02 e0d true x cluster_mgmt up/up x-01 e0i true x-01_mgmt1 up/up x-01 e0i true x-02_mgmt1 up/up x-02 e0i true yyy_DC yyy_DC_a0a-70_lif01 up/up x-01 a0a-70 true yyy_DC_a0a-70_lif02 up/up x-02 a0a-70 true yyy_DC_mgmt up/up x-01 e0i true network interface show -instance Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus1 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0a Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0b Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: false Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus2 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0c Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0c Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus3 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0b Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0b Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus4 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0d Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0d Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-02_clus1 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-02 Home Port: e0a Current Node: x-02 Current Port: e0b Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: false Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-02_clus2 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-02 Home Port: e0c Current Node: x-02 Current Port: e0c Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-02_clus3 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-02 Home Port: e0b Current Node: x-02 Current Port: e0b Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: Cluster Logical Interface Name: x-02_clus4 Role: cluster Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 16 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-02 Home Port: e0d Current Node: x-02 Current Port: e0d Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: Cluster FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Cluster Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: x Logical Interface Name: cluster_mgmt Role: cluster-mgmt Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 24 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0i Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0i Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: broadcast-domain-wide Firewall Policy: mgmt Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: x Logical Interface Name: x-01_mgmt1 Role: node-mgmt Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 24 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0i Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0i Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: mgmt Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: x Logical Interface Name: x-02_mgmt1 Role: node-mgmt Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 24 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-02 Home Port: e0i Current Node: x-02 Current Port: e0i Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: local-only Firewall Policy: mgmt Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: - Vserver Name: yyy_DC Logical Interface Name: yyy_DC_a0a-70_lif01 Role: data Data Protocol: nfs Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 23 Subnet Name: Home Node: x-01 Home Port: a0a-70 Current Node: x-01 Current Port: a0a-70 Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: broadcast-domain-wide Firewall Policy: data Auto Revert: false Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: true Vserver Name: yyy_DC Logical Interface Name: yyy_DC_a0a-70_lif02 Role: data Data Protocol: nfs Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 23 Subnet Name: Home Node: x-02 Home Port: a0a-70 Current Node: x-02 Current Port: a0a-70 Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: broadcast-domain-wide Firewall Policy: data Auto Revert: false Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: true Vserver Name: yyy_DC Logical Interface Name: yyy_DC_mgmt Role: data Data Protocol: none Network Address: Netmask: Bits in the Netmask: 24 Subnet Name: - Home Node: x-01 Home Port: e0i Current Node: x-01 Current Port: e0i Operational Status: up Extended Status: - Is Home: true Administrative Status: up Failover Policy: broadcast-domain-wide Firewall Policy: mgmt Auto Revert: true Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none DNS Query Listen Enable: false Failover Group Name: FCP WWPN: - Address family: ipv4 Comment: - IPspace of LIF: Default Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: false network port show Node: x-01 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy a0a-70 Default up 1500 auto/- healthy e0M Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e0f Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0g Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e0h Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0i Default up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0j Default up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0k Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0l Default - down 1500 auto/- - e3a Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e3b Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy Node: x-02 Speed(Mbps) Health Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status --------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- a0a Default - up 1500 auto/- healthy a0a-70 Default up 1500 auto/- healthy e0M Default - up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy e0e Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e0f Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0g Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e0h Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0i Default up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0j Default up 1500 auto/1000 healthy e0k Default - down 1500 auto/- - e0l Default - down 1500 auto/- - e3a Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy e3b Default - up 1500 auto/10000 healthy network port show -instance Node: x-01 Port: a0a Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: - Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: - Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 02:a0:98:6d:80:08 Port Type: if-group Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: ip Create Policy: multimode_lacp Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: a0a-70 Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: - Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: - Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 02:a0:98:6d:80:08 Port Type: vlan Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: x-01 Parent VLAN Port: a0a VLAN Tag: 70 Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0M Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:80:07 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: O01.dc.example.com IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0a Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f3 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw1 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0b Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f4 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw1 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0c Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f5 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw2 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0d Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f6 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw2 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0e Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f7 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-01 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0f Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f8 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0g Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:f9 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-01 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0h Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:7f:fa Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0i Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:80:03 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0j Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:80:04 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0k Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:80:05 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e0l Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:80:06 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e3a Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 90:e2:ba:82:a5:58 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-01 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-01 Port: e3b Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 90:e2:ba:82:a5:59 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-01 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: a0a Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: - Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: - Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 02:a0:98:6d:67:93 Port Type: if-group Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: ip Create Policy: multimode_lacp Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: a0a-70 Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: - Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: - Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 02:a0:98:6d:67:93 Port Type: vlan Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: x-02 Parent VLAN Port: a0a VLAN Tag: 70 Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0M Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:92 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: O02.dc.example.com IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0a Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:7e Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw1 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0b Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:7f Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw1 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0c Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:80 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw2 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0d Link: up MTU: 9000 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:81 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: cluster-sw2 IPspace Name: Cluster Broadcast Domain: Cluster MTU Administrative: 9000 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0e Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:82 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-02 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0f Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:83 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0g Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:84 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-02 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0h Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:85 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0i Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:8e Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0j Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 1000 Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: full MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:8f Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01B IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0k Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:90 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e0l Link: down MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: false Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: half Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: - Flow Control Administrative: full Flow Control Operational: - MAC Address: 00:a0:98:6d:67:91 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: - Interface Group Parent Port: - Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: - IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: - Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e3a Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 90:e2:ba:82:a5:34 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-02 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: - Node: x-02 Port: e3b Link: up MTU: 1500 Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true Auto-Negotiation Operational: true Duplex Mode Administrative: auto Duplex Mode Operational: full Speed Administrative: auto Speed Operational: 10000 Flow Control Administrative: none Flow Control Operational: none MAC Address: 90:e2:ba:82:a5:35 Port Type: physical Interface Group Parent Node: x-02 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a Distribution Function: - Create Policy: - Parent VLAN Node: - Parent VLAN Port: - VLAN Tag: - Remote Device ID: SW01A IPspace Name: Default Broadcast Domain: - MTU Administrative: 1500 Port Health Status: healthy Ignore Port Health Status: false Port Health Degraded Reasons: -
BR Florian
a made a reboot today of both nodes and this fixed the issue.
Thank you to all of you fro your help!
BR Florian
Under networking tab you will see (send all ports to home). Click on that and the issue will be fixed.