ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I've looked at various bits of documentation and some suggest 2 dark fibre's, one for each fabric, whilst others show 4 dark fibre's one for each fabric and 2 for the FCVI cluster interconnects.
Which one is correct?
You need dark fibre for each remote shelf connection as well as for FC-VI port. This amounts to two optical pairs for each stack. As stacks should be mirrored, minimum that makes sense is 6 optical pairs between sites.
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04.01.2013, в 20:16, "Willybobs27" <xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com<mailto:xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com>> написал(а):
Stretch Metrocluster - How many dark fibres?
created by Willybobs27<https://communities.netapp.com/people/Willybobs27> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<https://communities.netapp.com/message/97679#97679>
I've looked at various bits of documentation and some suggest 2 dark fibre's, one for each fabric, whilst others show 4 dark fibre's one for each fabric and 2 for the FCVI cluster interconnects.
Which one is correct?
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Hi Willybobs27
If you plan to implement TI zone (Traffic Isolation) you need 4 fiber, if not 2 can be enough
Have a look to TR3548 if you want more information about TI Zone
So this is fabric ? Initial mail had "stretch" in subject ... Then you need indeed two or four pairs depending on traffic isolation
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04.01.2013, в 22:03, "RICCO4400" <xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com<mailto:xdl-communities@communities.netapp.com>> написал(а):
Re: Fabric Metrocluster - How many dark fibres?
created by RICCO4400<https://communities.netapp.com/people/RICCO4400> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<https://communities.netapp.com/message/97697#97697>
Hi Willybobs27
If you plan to implement TI zone (Traffic Isolation) you need 4 fiber, if not 2 can be enough
Have a look to TR3548 if you want more information about TI Zone
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