ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Each SVM contain several configurations, such as snapshot schedule, deduplication schedule, etc.
Currently, if I check the SVMs' configuration, I need to click to each SVM and check one by one.
For environment with lots of SVM, this task can be tedious and time-consuming.
Is there any other method to view or export all SVMs' configuration to a single file (e.g. excel or csv)?
Any idea, workaround or suggestion are welcome.
The two examples of items you're asking about below are more volume centric than SVM centric per se. Anyway, you can output data across the whole cluster with commands like the following:
cluster::> volume efficiency show -vserver * -fields schedule
(Display all the dedupe schedules)
cluster::> sis policy show
(Display all the deduple policies)
cluster::> volume snapshot policy show -vserver *
(Display all the snapshot policies associated with each SVM)
cluster::> volume show -vserver * -fields snapshot-policy
(Display the snapshot policy associated with each volume)
WIth the rows 0 option set at the beginning, these format pretty well into a "text-to-columns" kind of importable format for Excel.
That said, I'm not aware of anything like the old config-advisor in DFM (or now in the new MyASUP tool) that would just let you "show me all the differences between my SVMs" - and since a lot of information is going to be volume centric anyway, it's going to be a little tough for any tool to pick out just what is different for the things you set at a SVM level.
Definitely in the category of hard-to-read is the output from the following:
cluster::>vserver show -vserver * -fields vserver,type,subtype,uuid,rootvolume,aggregate,nisdomain,rootvolume-security-style,ldap-client,language,snapshot-policy,comment,quota-policy,aggr-list,max-volumes,admin-state,operational-state,operational-state-stopped-reason,allowed-protocols,disallowed-protocols,is-repository,qos-policy-group,caching-policy,config-lock,ipspace,foreground
Doesn't have the specific items you list below, but does have a lot of the basics on each SVM listed in a nice column-formatted output.
Hope that helps,
Hello Tony,
I work for NetApp supporting customers doing large scale migrations to ONTAP9. The previous poster made a good point on how to report on cluster wide configuration, I'll just note that you can use the SET command to set a seperator at the CLI to provide CSV output. As noted in our fancy and simple documentation search engine https://docs.netapp.com link here.
Within NetApp when we want to perform As-Built documentation for clusters or SVMs, we tend to rely on an amazing tool called NetAppDocs. Try to access the toolchest link and if you cannot download, contact your account team to help out.
Please hit the Kudos button and mark as solved if this helped you out.
Great point - I completely forgot about NetAppDocs. Will have to get back into using that tool.
On a related note, do you know anything about OneCollect? I stumbled onto it the other day - it looks like it was originally a communities support tool but now is a full product?:
Have a great weekend,