ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I basically have a file that has been Snapmirrored about 30-days ago that has either changed owndership or has lost all the ACL's (both) not sure. Thus I cannot not restore the file. Is there a way to basically get that file off this CIFS volume and have it assume the everyone ACL or something?
Solved! See The Solution
You could Ndmpcopy the file from a snapshot directory from the cli To a new name on the active file system then as log as you have top level permission you can modify permission on that file.
Break the snapmirror, change the cifs share to everyone, you should be able to access from all the clients the share and restore it just with cut and paste.
Once done, resync it back again and you will be back to business.
thank you.
This file is in a ~snapshot folder and not sure that is going to work that easy. I think I forgot to mention that....
yes you are correct.
One way to get just the information out of it is using CLI Command rdfile. Here an example:
rdfile /etc/.snapshot/nightly.1/snapmirror.conf
This command will print out the content of the snapmirror.conf file from the snapshot nightly.1 onto the CLI.
You could Ndmpcopy the file from a snapshot directory from the cli To a new name on the active file system then as log as you have top level permission you can modify permission on that file.
That is what I did before we found the owner of the file had his Domain Account recently deactivated (: Thank you all!