ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
One of the aggregate that has the vaulted VM volumes is almost 95% full. There are scripts running to perform this vaulting process. How do i move these volumes to a different aggregate??
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If you are using Protection manager, you can use secondary space management in NMC. This is exactly the kind of situation for which the secondary space management was implemented to be used.
If I understand your question correctly, you ask how to move SnapVault secondary. This KB may help:
If you are using Protection manager, you can use secondary space management in NMC. This is exactly the kind of situation for which the secondary space management was implemented to be used.
Thank you guys...
Instead of the VM volumes I am planning to move the backed up SQL volumes. As you can see the mirroed vols are getting backed up to the "rocNetapp 64 aggre" which has 2 - 64 bit aggregates, of which one i almost full. So I want to move to Test_resourse pool which you can see on the right.
Should i at first move the volumes to this particular aggregate using the space management, then come here and edit this provisioning and resource pool or do the other way round?? Beacuse the policy has chosen "rocNetapp 64 agrr".
I don't see issue either ways.
PM itself should take care of it. Space management wizard is designed such a way that it would be a non disruptive movement of your secondary volume to different aggr. There are certain requirements such as, the secondary vol should not have any exports, shares or LUN maps.
I would suggest you to migrate the volume first using the wizard and then see if the dataset is conformant and the relationship is intact (AFAIK it should be).
If not, then we can see whether we need to modify anything in respool.
Thanks Arun on ur instant replies!!
Now i tried using this space maangement wizard, the resource pool shows only the rocNetApp 64 AGGR, as i said before this Resource pool has 2 aggregates one is which
98%full and the other is the one which shown in this image. So this wizard is attempting to move the volumes within the aaggregates in the same resorce pool. BUT I want to move to the Test_Resource_pool.
Q1.Probably the reason for not showing (Test_Resour_pool) is that I have not added this resource pool to the provisioning and resource pool of the SQL dataset???
So can I go ahead and add this particular resource as well in the edit dataset wizard of the SQL dataset shown above??
Q2.Also, now once I add the test_resource_pool to the SQL dataset policy; can i use this resource pool for another datset as well???
Yes you can add the respool.
You can use the same respool for another dataset also.
Arun, yes when i added the resource pool to the dataset it is showing up. You can see the new unused aggregate now Now after i select the volumes to migrate, and hit the review and commit button, nothing seems to happen.
I tried on another volume as well but the same. And nothing is getting migrated to the other aggregate.
The wizard can do few tasks, vol migrate, snapshot deletion etc... once you select the migrate option the job will be queued, which will show in the review. You will have to commit changes so that the tasks get accomplished and then it shows the space saved.
yes this is wat i have been doing somethig weird is hapenning. After I do this when i see the volumes under the new aggregate for a second, and then disappears.IDk whats happening.