We have our exchange data on LUNs served from our 3170 cluster.
these LUNs were provisioned using NetApp System manager.
We now want to begin using SnapManager for exchange and need to install SnapDrive.
I'm being told that in order to use snap drive/snapmanager we need to install SnapDrive and have it provision the LUNs we want to manage. That LUNs created without SnapManager cannot be managed by snapdrive and so we can't use snapmanager. There is, apparently, a difference between NetApp LUNS and NetApp SnapDrive LUNs.
What would be the procedure to get this working? Do i have to install snapdrive, provision new luns, move the exchange data to the new, SnapDrive provisioned LUNs, remove the old LUNs and reclaim that space?
Seems like a lot of work that I'd prefer to avoid.