ONTAP Discussions

Is swap of aggregates in an Infinite Volume possible?



I asked my self if it is possible to swap the aggregates that are used by an Infinite Volume.

Let's assume we have such a configure like it is shown in this article: https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMP1368404/html/GUID-77664CB5-F7AB-4A79-83AE-50E7E82E7440.html


Now I would insert aggrF (which is currently not part of the IV) into the list of aggregates for the IV. At this point I know the aggrF isn't used by the IV. Now I resize the IV so that the new size is possible by using aggrF and lets say aggrE isn't necessary anymore because aggrF can provide the new wanted space and the space of aggrE together.

Would aggrE get out of the Infinite Volume in this case? So visually spoken aggrF of the image would change its place with aggrE? (I know they are on different nodes - so aggrF stays on Node4 and aggrE on Node3 but my point is the IV).


I hope someone can answer me this question 🙂 

