ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'd like to leverage Nagios 4x integrations for NetApp, but it appears that we need to obtain and install the Perl SDK for "NM" - this is detailed in the README here: https://github.com/OutsideIT/check_netapp_ontap
So far I've not been able to find it, but see the SDK for Python and Java - so I'm guessing that the Perl one is (understandably) no longer supported. That's fine - anyone know if there's a way to obtain an old Perl SDK somewhere?
Solved! See The Solution
NetApp Manageability SDK
Resources for SDK
NetApp Manageability SDK
Resources for SDK
Resources of the SDK
The NetApp Manageability Software Development Kit (SDK) provides several resources that you can use to develop applications that monitor and manage NetApp storage systems.
Thanks very much for digging that up for me - I have the worst luck with trying to find things on the NetApp site. Appreciated!