I found a line in the /mrtg/conf/Makefile file:
while [ "$$e" -lt 100 ] ; \
do \
e=`expr $$e + 1` ; \
name=`$(SNMPGET) $$i $(SNMP_COMMUNITY) .$$e 2>&1 | sed -e 's/.*= "//' -e 's/".*//'` ; \
Basically this is saying while e is less than 100, get the snmp oid.1, oid.2, oid.3 etc all the way up to oid.99.
When I increase this number (while [ "$$e" -lt 250 ]) and run make again, I caputure more volumes and they show up in the .cfg file for that filer.
MRTG adds a graph for those newly found volumes, but only updates up to 90 total those graphs thereafter. Graphs 91, 92 etc are just blank. The previous graphs continue to update. In cron I have '/mrtgprod/bin/mrtg-filer-stats.sh FilerName public' every 5 mins. If I run this manually I get updates for the first 90 volumes and then for the rest of them:
WARNING: Problem with External get '/mrtgprod/bin/get-filer-df.sh FilerName volume_name:
Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
ERROR: Target[FilerName.df.volume_name][_IN_] ' $target->[108]{$mode} ' did not eval into defined data
ERROR: Target[FilerName.df.volume_name][_OUT_] ' $target->[108]{$mode} ' did not eval into defined data
mrtg is trying to pull those values out of /mrtg/data/retrieve-filer-FilerName.dat.
I can see that retrieve-filer-FilerName.dat is being build while the snmpget is running, but no matter how many volumes I have in the cfg file, the .dat file doesn't get over 9021 bytes. It stops at the same volume each time. Hence the errors when trying to pull out volume data that isnt in that file.
Anyone have any ideas why those graph are not updating even thos they are in the .cfg file?