ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm trying to wrap my head around vfiler configs in HA pairs. I've fount bits and pieces in various docs but haven't found a comprehensive guide.
Exactly how does a vfiler failover between nodes? What do I need to make this work? Could someone provide example rc files?
Here is where I'm at:
FilerA has several vlans on vif0: 101, 102 103 104
FilerB has the same vlans defined
FilerA has several vfilers with ipspaces:
vfA1, ipspace ip-vfA1 vif0-101
vfA2, ipspace ip-vfA2 vif0-102
FilerB has several vfilers with ipspaces:
vfB1, ipspace ip-vfB1 vif0-103
vfB2, ipspace ip-vfB2 vif0-104
All ipspaces on both filers with same interfaces
The ifconfig lines in the rc files specify the partner interfaces, e.g.
on FilerA.:ifconfig vif0-102 netmask partner vif0-102
on FilerB: ifconfig vif0-102 netmask partner vif0-102
The owning filer's rc file has the default route for each vfiler specified with a vfiler run and a default route for default-ipspace.
When I failover, the interfaces don't work on the vfilers. I see this on the console of the takeover filer:
Mon Apr 4 17:35:38 GMT [FilerB: net.ifconfig.noPartner:error]: ifconfig: 'vif0-102' cannot be configured: Address does not match any partner interface.
Does the partner need an ip assigned to it's interface (on the same subnet as the primary)? I tried this but it didn't work:
FilerB> ifconfig vif0-102 netmask 255.255.255..0
ifconfig: can't assign address to vif0-102, no vfiler in this interface's ipspace (ip-vfA2) has this address
So it looks like the rc file ifconfigs won't work the way I have them on the partners.
If I try to configure a shared interface in System Manager on the partner, it insists on an ip but fails because there is no vfiler on the partner in that ipspace. Everything in the default-ipspace works fine.
Solved! See The Solution
That should work.. Test a failover.
Typos Sent on Blackberry Wireless
For a partner only interface no host entry needed. Can you email me full rc and hosts from both nodes? And ifconfig -a, vFiler status -a and Ipspace list
Sent from my iPhone 5
How can I email it to you directly?
Direct message on here works
Sent from my iPhone 5
If the interface is unconfigured I would check the messages file for what happened on the ifconfig and where it failed.
Sent from my iPhone 5
I think what happened is, I should have run
ifconfig NET1-345 partner NET-345
on the partner filer. I put it in RC but I did not run it. See below it does not show the partner.
NET1-345: flags=0x230c862<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500
ether 02:a0:98:1a:84:7e (Enabled interface groups)
That is it. No partner configured on it.
Sent from my iPhone 5
I finally got it to work. It looks like it wanted me to first failover the partner filer to the primary (vfiler owner) filer. Then I perform a giveback. then this time I let the partner filer takeover the primary filer. This time it worked. I guess it has something to do with the rc on the filer not reloaded yet? What do you think?
What is the command to reload the RC? so that I won’t have to perform a takeover/giveback just to refresh reload the rc
you can run source /etc/rc to source the file and run all the commands...but in this case when you have been troubleshooting the takeover/giveback is what I would do.
Here is my vlan create statements
vlan create NET1 350 348
vlan create NET1 345
345 is for the vfiler. Is that a problem that I have two separate vlan create statement?