I has got a filer FAS 2050 with dual head. One of the volume got full and i am not sure where to start from
The filer (tap01a) are snap mirred on to nas01a and the volume that was full is as below
tap01a> df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/apps/ 108GB 106GB 2000MB 98% /vol/apps/
snap reserve 12GB 2188MB 10099MB 18% /vol/apps/..
tap01a> vol status
Volume State Status Options
am4 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
apps online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
vol0 online raid_dp, flex root, nosnapdir=on
s3d2 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
isgscratch online raid_dp, flex nosnap=on, nosnapdir=on
s3d1 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
oracle2 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
isg2 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
isg3 online raid_dp, flex
isg1 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
s2d2 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
s2d1 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
gen2 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
oracle_64 online raid_dp, flex nosnapdir=on
So had a look at the agregate level
tap01a> aggr show_space
Aggregate 'aggr0'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG
6507880960KB 650788096KB 292854640KB 5564238224KB 0KB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol0 242148096KB 1608164KB volume
am4 524862492KB 237028900KB volume
oracle2 288883288KB 134165804KB volume
apps 125976216KB 113586012KB volume
s3d1 519628604KB 405609800KB volume
s3d2 519625940KB 377316356KB volume
s2d1 52467916KB 15953536KB volume
s2d2 52450896KB 5877652KB volume
gen2 231560928KB 74309728KB volume
isg1 461877436KB 350083288KB volume
isg2 692836448KB 605868904KB volume
isg3 288692368KB 241084528KB volume
isgscratch 262304280KB 1750628KB volume
oracle_64 289371112KB 150133012KB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 4552686020KB 2714376312KB 1012217224KB
Snap reserve 292854640KB 15532688KB 277321952KB
WAFL reserve 650788096KB 402576KB 650385520KB
Is there any way that i can increase or release the space for apps volume?
Any advices will be great.