ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Is the Netapp Plugin for Oracle OVM supported for OVM server using the MySql database.
The NetApp Plugin not using MySQL database.
The OVM Manager uses MySQL database to manage it's operations
Please let me know, if you need any more help
where can I get the OVM plugon for Netapp ?
Also looking for it.
There is an old document "Oracle VM and Netapp Storage-best practices" that says
Download the NetApp plug-in from http://community.netapp.com/t5/FAS-Data-ONTAP-and-Related-1.Plug-ins-Articles-and-Resources/NetApp-Plug-in-For-Oracle-VM/ta-p/87038#Download and follow the NetApp Plug-In 2.0.1 for Oracle VM Installation and Administration Guide for SAN (iSCSI and FCP) deployment.
But hat link does not work.
The url is not working .Kindly share where we can download the Netapp Plugin for oracle VM