I am getting the below error while using netapp plugin for Oracle VM durign discovery of storage servers (iscsi). I am using username with administrator priviliges and storage server IP address. iSCSI vlan is separate from regular storage management vlan.
OVMAPI_7202E Storage Server NetApp has to be validated before it can be used [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015]
OVMAPI_B000E Storage plugin command [storage_plugin_validate] failed for storage server [0004fb0000090000a44d2e72bc10d66b] failed with [com.oracle.ovm.mgr.api.exception.FailedOperationException: OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: storage_plugin_validate to server: hqd-oravmsvr-s1 failed. OVMAPI_4004E Sync command failed on server: Command: storage_plugin_validate, Server error: <class 'OSCPlugin.OperationFailedEx'>:'NetApp Data ONTAP Failure: failed' [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015] [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015]] OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: storage_plugin_validate to server: hqd-oravmsvr-s1 failed. OVMAPI_4004E Sync command failed on server: Command: storage_plugin_validate, Server error: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: <class 'OSCPlugin.OperationFailedEx'>:'NetApp Data ONTAP Failure: failed' [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015] [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015] [Fri Oct 30 12:32:39 EDT 2015]