ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi dear
I have FAS2240-2 , i have created two Volumes of 1 TB for my netbackup DSU's , and mapped them using iscsi into my backup server... and configure DSU01 and DSU02 for them.
Now on netapp its shows its 98% full and other one is 90% full, but when i log on to backup server and check the mapped drive status, its shows different and it is quite 70% full.
Dont know whats the issue is.
Kindly guide me what to do.
Pls share df -s & df -h of the volume
controller01> df -s
Filesystem used saved %saved
/vol/vol0/ 3235984 0 0%
/vol/Backupvol01/ 971243040 104625984 10%
/vol/Backupvol03/ 1049174832 9650580 1%
Hi Amir,
I believe you have created the Thick LUN. Means you LUN is physically allocated the space. That's why form you storage level (volume) show 98% and 90% full.
Volumes 0r LUN's are thin Provison not thick
Muhammad Amir Jabran Ansari
Sr System Engineer | Information Technology
df -h output
controller01> df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/Backup01/ 1024GB 854GB 169GB 83% /vol/Backup01/
/vol/Backup01/.snapshot 0TB 0TB 0TB ---% /vol/Backup01/.snapshot
/vol/Backup03/ 1024GB 917GB 106GB 90% /vol/Backup03/
/vol/Backup03/.snapshot 0TB 0TB 0TB ---% /vol/Backup03/.snapshot
Muhammad Amir Jabran Ansari
Sr System Engineer | Information Technology
What is the occupied size shown in lun show -v output ?
I believe Fractional reserve is been used for the residue space ,vol options will clear the doubt