Does it work for anyone? Linux tftpd sends reply which is rejected by ONTAP with "port unreachable" which causes tftpd to error out.
17:53:04.562521 IP cdot01.16653 > linux.tftp: 72 WRQ "cdot.8hour.2019-10-10.18_15_05.7z" octet tsize 48466041 rollover 0
17:53:04.565341 IP linux.49124 > cdot01.16653: UDP, length 28
17:53:04.565514 IP cdot01 > linux: ICMP ff-cdot01-co udp port 16653 unreachable, length 36
cdot01 is node management interface.
vserver lif role firewall-policy
------- --------------- --------- ---------------
cdot cdot01_mgmt1 node-mgmt mgmt