we are facing OSSV backup failure for only one drive F:\ expect C:\ and D:\
we geeting below errors...
Mon Mar 7 02:35:10 GMT [UKWKSTC1:replication.dst.waflErr:error]: SnapVault: destination transfer from\ to /vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF : could not read from socket:Resource temporarily unavailable.
Mon Mar 7 09:59:48 GMT [UKWKSTC1:replication.dst.waflErr:error]: SnapVault: destination transfer from\ to /vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF : could not read from socket:Resource temporarily unavailable.
dst Tue Mar 15 08:42:51 GMT\ UKWKSTC1:/vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF Start
dst Tue Mar 15 13:22:58 GMT\ UKWKSTC1:/vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF Abort (could not read from socket) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
dst Tue Mar 15 13:22:59 GMT\ UKWKSTC1:/vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF Rollback_start
if you gave update comment for snapvault ... the relatiship show trasfeering state but no data flow... after 4 -5 hours failing (without data transfer)...\ UKWKSTC1:/vol/OSSVHHGBKP_SATA/EHHGFILE001SPDRVF Snapvaulted 275:13:14 Transferring
windows 2008/2003 both servers and ontap 8.2.3P3 version OSSV 3.0.1 version
please suggest....