Hi all,
I'm trying to run an evaluation of OnTAP Select in my lab. It seems that OnTAP Select Deploy 2.2.2 doesn't support VMFS-6 yet! I get the following error when clicking "configure hosts" on the Cluster Create screen

(Text reads for searchability: "deatils: Host node2-esxi.lab given pool type VMFS-6 not supported", "type: PoolTypeNotSupported")
A lovely formatted error message I am sure we can all agree 😉
My lab environment is;
VMware ESXi, 6.5.0, 4564106
VCSA 6.5.0 4602587
VSAN is configured on two nodes with an external witness.
Unfortunately there is no way for me to easily provide VMFS-5 across the lab without some serious work.
Do we know;
A) If the VMFS support check can be overridden for the purposes for evaluation?
B) When VMFS-6 support will be coming to OnTAP Select?
C) If the VMFS-6 limitation is documented anywhere? I couldn't seem to find reference to it in any docs.
Let me know if any other information is useful.
Thanks for any information you can provide.