ONTAP Discussions

Ontap 9.8 The link aggregation port is down


We have a fresh installation of 9.8P7 in a switchless dual node FAS8020.

The desired network setup that i am trying to create is SVM with ISCSI.


Controller 1

2 ports e1a, e1b  > If Group > Vlan  1201 > Logical Interface with ip

Controller 2

2 ports e1a, e1b  > If Group > Vlan  1201 >Logical Interface with ip


Immediately after creating Link Aggregation Group from giu or cli the ifgroup is down. "The link aggregation group is down"

The individual ports are up.

Because group is down i believe vlan is down , lif is down as well. I tried to add and removed Broadcast domain info from group, bring it up / down it stays down nonmatter what i do.


I can create lifs directly on physical ports then svm can use them and everything is connected, however i rather use interface group.


Here is some cli info:





NJFAS8020::> network port ifgrp show
         Port       Distribution                   Active
Node     IfGrp      Function     MAC Address       Ports   Ports
-------- ---------- ------------ ----------------- ------- -------------------
         a0a        ip           02:a0:98:a2:75:09 none    e1a, e1b
         a0a        ip           02:a0:98:a2:a3:e6 none    e1a, e1b
2 entries were displayed.








NJFAS8020::> network port show

Node: NJFAS8020-01
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
a0a       Default      Data             down 1500     -/-     -
a0a-1201  Default      Data             down 1500     -/-     -
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy
e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
e0e       Default      -                down 1500  auto/-     -
e0f       Default      -                down 1500  auto/-     -
e1a       Default      -                up   1500  auto/10000 healthy
e1b       Default      -                up   1500  auto/10000 healthy

Node: NJFAS8020-02
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
a0a       Default      Data             down 1500     -/-     -
a0a-1201  Default      Data             down 1500     -/-     -
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy
e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/10000 healthy
e0e       Default      -                down 1500  auto/-     -
e0f       Default      -                down 1500  auto/-     -
e1a       Default      -                up   1500  auto/10000 healthy
e1b       Default      -                up   1500  auto/10000 healthy
18 entries were displayed.








NJFAS8020::> network interface show -vserver svm_iscsi
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                         up/down     NJFAS8020-01  a0a-1201
                         up/down     NJFAS8020-02  a0a-1201
2 entries were displayed.
NJFAS8020::> network interface show -vserver svm_iscsi -lif NJFAS8020-0
    NJFAS8020-01_lif_svm_iscsi NJFAS8020-02_lif_svm_iscsi
NJFAS8020::> network interface show -vserver svm_iscsi -lif NJFAS8020-01_lif_svm_iscsi

                      Vserver Name: svm_iscsi
            Logical Interface Name: NJFAS8020-01_lif_svm_iscsi
                    Service Policy: default-data-blocks
                      Service List: data-core, data-iscsi
                 (DEPRECATED)-Role: data
                     Data Protocol: iscsi
                   Network Address:
               Bits in the Netmask: 24
                        Is VIP LIF: false
                       Subnet Name: -
                         Home Node: NJFAS8020-01
                         Home Port: a0a-1201
                      Current Node: NJFAS8020-01
                      Current Port: a0a-1201
                Operational Status: down
                   Extended Status: This LIF is down because all failover targets are either down or otherwise unavailable. Use the "network interface show -failover" command to review the LIF's failover configuration.
                           Is Home: true
             Administrative Status: up
                   Failover Policy: disabled
                   Firewall Policy: data
                       Auto Revert: false
     Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none
           DNS Query Listen Enable: false
               Failover Group Name: Data
                          FCP WWPN: -
                    Address family: ipv4
                           Comment: -
                    IPspace of LIF: Default
    Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: false
Probe-port for Cloud Load Balancer: -
                  Broadcast Domain: Data
                      Vserver Type: data
NJFAS8020::> network port show -node NJFAS8020-01 -port e1a

                                        Node: NJFAS8020-01
                                        Port: e1a
                                        Link: up
                                         MTU: 1500
             Auto-Negotiation Administrative: true
                Auto-Negotiation Operational: true
                  Duplex Mode Administrative: auto
                     Duplex Mode Operational: full
                        Speed Administrative: auto
                           Speed Operational: 10000
                 Flow Control Administrative: full
                    Flow Control Operational: full
                                 MAC Address: 00:0e:1e:c8:85:b0
                                   Port Type: physical
                 Interface Group Parent Node: NJFAS8020-01
                 Interface Group Parent Port: a0a
                       Distribution Function: -
                               Create Policy: -
                            Parent VLAN Node: -
                            Parent VLAN Port: -
                                    VLAN Tag: -
                            Remote Device ID: -
                                IPspace Name: Default
                            Broadcast Domain: -
                          MTU Administrative: 1500
                          Port Health Status: healthy
                   Ignore Port Health Status: false
                Port Health Degraded Reasons: -
                Virtual Machine Network Name:








NJFAS8020::> network port show -node NJFAS8020-01 -port a0a

                                        Node: NJFAS8020-01
                                        Port: a0a
                                        Link: down
                                         MTU: 1500
             Auto-Negotiation Administrative: -
                Auto-Negotiation Operational: -
                  Duplex Mode Administrative: -
                     Duplex Mode Operational: -
                        Speed Administrative: -
                           Speed Operational: -
                 Flow Control Administrative: -
                    Flow Control Operational: -
                                 MAC Address: 02:a0:98:a2:75:09
                                   Port Type: if-group
                 Interface Group Parent Node: -
                 Interface Group Parent Port: -
                       Distribution Function: ip
                               Create Policy: multimode_lacp
                            Parent VLAN Node: -
                            Parent VLAN Port: -
                                    VLAN Tag: -
                            Remote Device ID: -
                                IPspace Name: Default
                            Broadcast Domain: Data
                          MTU Administrative: 1500
                          Port Health Status: -
                   Ignore Port Health Status: false
                Port Health Degraded Reasons: -
                Virtual Machine Network Name:





I would appreciate any pointers.




It’s the switch

 make sure the switch port channel is mode ACTIVE

 i see people all the time do mode ON which is NOT LACP. The ports are up but the channel is down

also, as a habit, the ports connecting to the Netapp should also have ports fast enabled

View solution in original post



It’s the switch

 make sure the switch port channel is mode ACTIVE

 i see people all the time do mode ON which is NOT LACP. The ports are up but the channel is down

also, as a habit, the ports connecting to the Netapp should also have ports fast enabled


That is correct. Switch was not configured. Ports are up now.

Thank you.

