ONTAP Discussions

Ontap REST API CMDlets


Hi! Since ZAPI will be replaced soon i started tinkering with our scripts but noticed i get less information from using the REST API than ZAPI in all cases or no information at all from simple cmdlets to our  larger scripts since they use most of the built in cmdlets thats come from the ONTAP module in some way right now.

Few  examples below:

"PS C:\Windows\system32> get-ncaggr

Name State TotalSize Used Available Disks RaidType RaidSize Volumes
---- ----- --------- ---- --------- ----- -------- -------- -------
aggr_data_02 online 49.8 TB 23.1 TB 17 23
aggr_data_01 online 23.0 TB 10.4 TB 34 17"

"RaidType & RaidSize Volumes" info is missing but listed as if they should be there and they are if i use "-ZAPICALL" after the command.

Get-NcSnapmirror not working at all in our system, it does with zapicall

Get-Ncvol is missing the "data used in %" i find that an important thing to have. "depude" entry is not shown its empty.
vserver and aggregate entry is showing less information than before.

started to play around with the anti ransomware protection cmdlets since i want a script to monitor this. 
But all of these have problems aswell or showing almost no relevant information.

applies to all CMDlets using "Get-NcAnti.."

System im testing on right now is at ONTAP version 9.13.1P2.

anyone have any input on this or if it will be fixed ? Im expecting that it will since ZAPI is about to be replaced starting at 2024 and i could rewrite all of our scripts but would rather not. i have read other threads on this and not seen a clear answer what NetApp is going to do about it.
