ONTAP Discussions

Possible Data corruption on A70 due to Ontap Bug CONTAP-348855 (see SU575)


NOTE: This post has been edited by the Community Team. Details of customer bulletins are not to be posted publicly and specifics have been removed here. Please review the information in the links below, as they are the official sources of information.


Important information for all NetApp customers using the new A70/A90/A1K:


Being the customer who experienced the issue and helped NetApp to identify it I feel responsible to inform this community about the real possible fatal effects like we faced them, because the description in the Customer Bulletin below does not reflect the worst things that can happen.


Due to this issue, you may face true data corruption without a chance to detect it immediately.

(NetApp Support Site - JiraNgage - CONTAP-348855)


It means Clients/Applications/Databases read data and receive the wrong content "silently". Now, you need to know that the majority of applications does not have a mechanism, which is checking this and will therefore possibly not realize that the data is wrong.


SU575: [Impact: Critical] SAN connected hosts may experience intermittent read checksum validation errors when hosted in LUNs or NMVe namespaces on sp...


I would strongly recommend to talk to NetApp before using these systems in production environments . I fix for 9.15.1 should be available soon. (I assume NetApp will not seriously recommend to use 9.16.1RC1 on productive environments)



Thank you for your feedback. We will look at how best to make the bulletin clearer. Note that the fix for the issue as reported will be in the 9.15.1P6 release which will be out by December 17 if not sooner. We would strongly recommend that all customers with the above-mentioned systems, especially if serving LUNs, upgrade to 9.15.1P6 as soon as released.

View solution in original post



Thank you for your feedback. We will look at how best to make the bulletin clearer. Note that the fix for the issue as reported will be in the 9.15.1P6 release which will be out by December 17 if not sooner. We would strongly recommend that all customers with the above-mentioned systems, especially if serving LUNs, upgrade to 9.15.1P6 as soon as released.


As mentioned above, details of customer bulletins should not be posted publicly and I have edited the message to remove them. @JohnK and team will update the official messaging to more clearly describe the impacts.


Link: SU575: [Impact: Critical] SAN connected hosts may experience intermittent read checksum validation errors when hosted in LUNs or NVMe namespaces on sp...

Community Manager \\ NetApp


The fix  been made available today (12th of December). 
